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Hello  wattpaders!, a new chapter!

This January will be hectic, so updates might reduce this month due to exams coming up soon

Hope you enjoy the chapter!

Don't forget to vote and comment!


Mr. Andrew Caulkins sat at the head of the table clenching and unclenching his fists, fists that trembled with fear. He scratched his head and took a glance at his watch. He had been here for almost an hour now and no one had come to see him.

The door creaked and Andrew drew a sigh of relief as he felt someone step into the room.

Mr. Stones quietly walked round Andrew and sat down in the chair directly opposite him. Without saying a word, he took several puffs of his cigar.

'Where is my daughter?' Andrew said becoming rather exasperated by Mr. Stone's cool demeanor

'She's been shot Mr. Andrew' stones said, his eyes as cold as ever.


'She's lucky to be alive'. Andrew's jaw clenched and his fists tightened.

'I want to see my daughter and I want to see Wellis'

'That can be arranged, but for your daughter's safety, she stays in Brookston indefinitely'

'So that she be shot again and die this time?' Andrew said with a tremble in his voice, his voice had also gone up a notch.

'Mr. Andrews, you are free to take your daughter but I can assure you she will be dead in a week if she leaves. She's popular now, her pictures are in the papers so is her biography, they will know where to find her'

'Who's the "they" here?'

Mr. Stones smiled, 'believe me, you do not want to know. Would you like to see your daughter now?'

Andrew sighed, 'sure I would'. Mr. Stones stood up and walked towards the door closely followed by Andrew.


'You saw him?' Ana rolled her eyes.

'Isn't that what I just said?' Stacy chuckled.

'Can you describe him?'

'Well, for one thing, he was really cute with long black hair and quite ripped if I must say'

Wellis didn't look impressed. 'How can you have a crush on the person who tried to kill you?'

'Not my fault he was handsome'

Stacy brows came together in concentration, 'maybe you should save the description for when the police comes. I'll call for them right now'

Stacy stood up and left pulling out her phone on the way out. Ana looked at Wellis with her brow raised as if asking a question.

'Have we forgotten Jessica so soon?'

'And here I was, thinking the injury would have cured your tongue'. Ana smirked and suddenly looked around.

'Where's Marshal?'

Wellis smile faded, 'in a hospital bed'

'Is he okay?' Ana asked with a worried look on her face.

'Have we forgotten about our absolute dislike for Marshal now? Wellis asked in a teasing voice.

'And here I was thinking my accident had cured your brain' Ana said smirking.

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