Chapter Twenty One-Since You've Been Gone

Start from the beginning

Wow I wonder who that last person is. It's totally not the man sitting next to me.

"Party, I know you want to talk about us, however, I don't. I know we've been sleeping and cuddling in the same bed together for over two months, but I still have no clue what I feel. I'm confused, and you need to let me figure this out on my own."

I stand up and walk inside, leaving him there. Quickly, I down a can of Power Pup then head to my room. This time, Lock and Star actually look up at me. I take off their duct tape and start talking to them.

"Hey guys, how are you feeling?"

Lock is the one to respond.

"Pretty good, for you know, being chained up and coming off happy pills."

I laugh at my older brother. I've really missed his humor.

"Well, I want to talk to you guys about what has happened. Like you know, two years ago to now."

They nod at me, then Star starts to speak.

"When we were shot, we thought we were dead. It was like a weird afterlife thing, but it was completely black. I just hoped to god that you and Lock Down were okay.

After what felt like entirety, I woke up in a hospital like room. Lock was to the right of me, but the bed was empty to my left, so I thought it meant that they didn't get you. Thankfully, I was right.

Anyways, they put things on ours faces that held our heads straight and eyes open. Then they place the brainwashing video in front of us and had it on repeat. I don't remember anything after that."

I lean over and hug them both at the same time. They try to return it, but can't because of the chains. I pull away after a few minutes and explain what happened on our side.

"Well I can remember that day like it was yesterday. The rays whizzing past my head, hearing the bodies hit the ground, and seeing you guys laying in a pool of blood. As soon as all the Dracs were down, I ran to you two. I couldn't feel a pulse and I started crying. Then Danger Heart and Crash Fire pulled me away back to the group, leaving you guys there.

After you guys supposedly died, our group started treating me even shittier then they did before. They made me do all the hard chores, go out on all the dangerous runs, and put me on the front lines. I finally decided that I was going to leave, so I started acting really really nice, then bolted before the sun came up. That was two months after I supposedly lost you guys.

Ever since then I was on my own, well up until five or six months ago. That was when I was infiltrating a factory, but a group decided to come the same night I did. I had to hide and eventually jump out a window, breaking my foot in the process.

The next day I started heading to the famous Dr. Death Defying. He put me in a cast and told me that another group would take care of me, so of course, I bolted.

I ended up in a nice looking diner, that seemed abandoned. But I was wrong, because that same group that Dr. D wanted to take care of me and also the same group that was at the factory, showed up. Their group contained Party Poison, the leader, Kobra Kid who is also Party's younger brother. Then there's Fun Ghoul and Jet Star, who have been friends with them since before the world went shit.

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