[ prologue ]

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POV: Reader (6 years old)

      A loud scream escapes my lips as tears stream down my cheeks. I clutch onto the limp figure with all my strength as I hear a door slam and foot steps racing in my direction as I sob. Soon enough, the footsteps stop behind me and I hold the woman closer despite the sticky red substance that covers her clothing.

      "Pumpkin what— oh no..." I hear my dad's voice as I turn my head to look at him, to see tears leaking out of his eyes as well, eyes glued to my mom, who is lying on the floor of my bedroom. He hurriedly picks me up away from her, bringing me into the bathroom before leaving and coming back again with a new change of clothes. "You change into this while daddy makes a call to get everything figured out, ok (n/n)? Don't leave this room."

     I nodded, as it was the only action I could muster up the energy to do without returning to the sobbing mess I had been just a few minutes prior. With that, I slowly peeled the sticky stained clothes off my body, knowing I'd have to wash myself off before putting on another pair of clothes. Once that task was complete, I turned on the water for the bath and waited for it fill up the tub.

     Watching the water flowing down into the container below it gave me time to think about what just happened and I still had so many questions. 'What is this sticky, red stuff?', 'Who is daddy calling?', 'Why didn't mommy wake up when I was screaming?' and many more flooded my brain too quickly for me to process. As more questions came to mind, I forced them to halt since the tub had filled up while I was lost in thought.

     Stepping carefully into the warm water, i immediately began scrubbing my skin with a black towel that I had squirted some body wash onto. About five minutes had passed before I was finally able to get the sticky substance off of my body and out of my hair. After I completed that, I climbed out of the tub, drying myself off with my favorite (f/c) towel. It wasn't till then that I noticed what clothes my dad had picked out for me.

     A (f/c) t-shirt with little black and white hearts covering it, along with a pair of light blue jeans and a necklace, which I had never seen before. The piece of jewelry was a silver chain and had a pendant made of the same silver as well as a polished sapphire. I smiled at all the items, remembering that he was always better at putting my outfits together than my mom. Slipping all the items onto my clean body, I decided to hold the necklace so my dad could put it on me instead. With that, I sat on top of the toilet seat and waited.

7 Years Later...

     I sprint into my house after returning home from the school bus stop, only to be met by darkness. "Dad? You there?" my voice echoes into the darkness as I reach over and turn on the lights. 'Huh, guess he's not home yet from his business trip yet...'. I then set my sights on the kitchen and power walk there, looking around and thinking about what I wanted for a snack before deciding on a pack of Orea Cookies.

  Right after I sit down on the couch to eat and play a few games on my scroll, the door to my dad and I's hidden home slams open and shut. "Hey dad, you're back!" I exclaim as I stand up and take a bite of my delicious Orea Cookie. "Did you get held up at work again?" I ask with my mouth full and a hand in front of my mouth before swallowing and tilting my head.

     "Hey (n/n), yeah. Sorry about all the trips I've been on lately, there's a new boss and she's really strict about due dates and shit like that." He sighed, sitting down onto the old, ripped up couch and leaning his cane against it.

     I nod in understanding, before my mind drifts to what I'd been meaning to ask him for weeks now, knowing this would be the perfect chance. "Dad, can I ask you a question?"

    "Uh, sure. What'd you wanna ask?"

     "I was just wondering, uhm, when I'll be able to learn how to use a weapon and fight? When I was a kid you told me once I turned thirteen I'd be allowed to but you haven't had the chance to teach me yet." I rambled slightly before I felt a warm hand on my shoulder, signaling for me to calm down.

"I know that that's what I said, but your dad really doesn't have much free time these days after the new boss came in. I really hope you can understand why it hasn't happened yet." He explained, a sad look on his face as he gives me a one-armed hug.

I sigh at this, knowing there was nothing more to be said, I just nodded and looked at my lap before grabbing another cookie from the blue plastic packaging.

[ Note: keep a lookout throughout the story for slightly changed brand names that I'll be using! This fanfic will hopefully be updated once a week on Friday. ]

The Anti-Huntress • RWBY Reader InsertWhere stories live. Discover now