Chapter 19

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Isaiah's POV

Walking into the living room I halt upon sight of Noah, Alex(Scarlet's father), Cole and Scarlet. They all have blood shot eyes, each holding a carton of ice cream, wrapped in big blankets, in front of the lit fireplace. With a small smile I take a picture, the flash giving me away.

Slowly and creepily they all turn toward me. The weird looks in their eyes has me laughing nervously while putting my hands up in surrender. I truly have never been in a situation like this so I have no clue what to do.

"Hey, guys," I stutter slightly, and curse myself for doing so. They all stare intensely at my right hand which holds my camera.

"What are you going to do with that photo," Noah asks cautiously. A grin breaks out onto my face.

"I mean, I could send it to everyone here," I shrug with a smirk. Somehow they all gasp simultaneously but Noah louder than the others.

"You can't, I didn't do my hair," Noah says horrified. Cole, Scarlet, Alex, and I look at him questioningly. Scarlet pulls back her hand and whacks him on the back of the head, me catching the picture. They freeze but Scarlet scowls at Noah and I click the camera again.

Suddenly a click sounds and Noah is smirking while Scarlet looks ready to about kill him. She pulls out her phone and Noah gasps as she takes a picture.

"My hair, stop," Noah whines.

Soon everyone on the property becomes engaged in a picture war. I begin to question everything when I see one of my people running around in a chicken costume, what the hell?

 I begin to question everything when I see one of my people running around in a chicken costume, what the hell?

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"That's my bad, my pack throws Halloween parties and we have a lot of costumes," Ryder grins sheepishly. Believe it or not, Ryder and I have been getting along well. The sound of a click beside me makes my head snap toward Ryder.

"Get out of my bush you traitor," I say dramatically. Ryder  laughs but runs nonetheless, the traitor. As Ryder runs he gets tackled by someone in a turtle costume making me laugh hysterically as I snap a picture.

"Help me," someone yells out dramatically. Curious I follow the desperate shouts for help to see Cole hugging to a tree in a squirrel costume and three t-rex's at the bottom of the tree, unable to get him because of their small arms. Soon I recognize the people in t6he t-rex costumes as Noah, Scarlet, and Alex. Taking a picture I walk over to them cautiously.

 Taking a picture I walk over to them cautiously

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"Isaiah," Cole yells out in relief

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"Isaiah," Cole yells out in relief. It all goes in slow motion as Cole springs off of the tree and at me, pinning me on the ground. When the sound of pictures being taken reaches my ears I know that I have been set up, damn.

Once Scarlet and the rest had their laughs we all took our pictures together. It came out great and I don't think I will cherish any picture look I do this one.

This day has taught me something: always make the best out of the worst situations. Even though we're about to go to war, here we are doing something very odd but amusing. We have to have fun while we can I guess, because we never know what will happen.

I'm glad I got to spend some time like this with Scarlet.

Like I said in the previous chapter, this chapter is short. I hope that you all enjoyed it though. Thanks for reading! The end is almost near(why does that sound so sinister, eh, whatever.)

Here's a quote:
I'd rather be hated for who I am, than loved for who I am not.
-Kurt Cobain

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