Epilogue - The trends.

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*Three years after the wedding*

All I saw was a bright light. All I could feel was Harry’s tight grip on my hand. There were a lot of noise around me but all I focused on was Harry’s voice. I may be on morphine, but I was wide awake.

“You can do this, babe. I’m here. I love you.” He kept on repeating, kissing my forehead.

He was just as nervous as I was! Realizing this made a giggle escape from my lips.

“Stop laughing at me! Hahaha.” Harry said.

“Sorry babe. Can’t help it. Hahaha.” I stammered.

After our little laughing session, I suddenly felt a bit groggy.

“I love you, Katie.” Harry repeated, again and again. His hands were shaking.

Then I heard a cry.

“Twins!” The doctor announced. “Congratulations Mr. and Mrs. Styles!”

“Oh my God, babe!” Harry rejoiced, kissing my forehead repeatedly. “A boy and a girl!”

“What will you name them?”

“Darcy! Darcy for the girl… And… Uhm… And…”

“Zayn Louis for the boy?” I shrugged.

Harry seemed to be thinking about it then said “Perfect! Darcy Niam and Zayn Louis!”

A couple of minutes later, the nurses handed Harry a baby in a pink blanket, and handed me a baby in a blue blanket.

Harry gave his phone to one of the nurses, she took a picture of Harry, Darce, Zouis and I. Then I felt really sleepy.

“Harry…” I said, my eyelids closing. “Take Zou…”

I felt someone take the baby away from me and I fell into a deep sleep.

I woke up at my hospital room, and everyone was there. Harry, Louis, Eleanor, Liam, the very pregnant Danielle, Niall and his wife Kourtney, and Zayn and his fiancee Karline.

“And she’s awake!” Louis said, walking to me and kissing me on the forehead.

“How are you, sweetie?” Eleanor asked, appearing next to Louis.

“I’m doing great.” I answered.

“Now that everyone’s here, El and I have an announcement to make…” Louis smiled. “Eleanor’s three months pregnant.”

With that, everyone rejoiced and all. The room was filled with congratulations.

“Hey!” Zayn said, looking up from his phone. “The Styles’ are taking over twitter!”

“Oh God.” I laughed. “Harry, love, can you please get my phone?”

“Sure.” He answered, rummaging through my bag and handing me my phone. “Here you go.”

“Thanks, babe.”

I opened twitter and true enough there were eight trending topics worldwide that were dedicated to us. #CongratsHarryAndKatie, #DarcyNiamStyles, #ZaynLouisStyles, #StylesTwins, #StylesFamily, #BabyDarce, #BabyZouis, and #DirectionersLoveTheStyles. I then tweeted, saying “I’m awake! Thanks for all the love and support guys! :) xx” I then opened Harry’s page and saw his last tweet from this morning. “My babies Darcy Niam and Zayn Louis are finally out and about. Love you so much @KatieAStyles. xx” then the picture of the four of us inside the operating room.

“Why’d you name the boy Zayn Louis?” Louis asked Harry.

“And Darcy Niam?” Niall asked.

“I like Darcy, then Niall plus Liam is Niam… So, yeah… With Zayn Louis, I have no idea. Katie was the one who suggested it…” Harry answered.

“Well… Because we owe the two of you a lot. Without Louis, I would’ve never met all of you. Then without Zayn, I would’ve never married Harry in the first place. So… Yeah…” I explained

“Oh…” Everyone chorused, I just gave them a sweet little smile.

“Liam!!!” Danielle screamed from inside the bathroom. “I think my water just broke!!!”

They rushed to Danielle, Niall and Kourtney called for a doctor and they wheeled Dani out in a stretcher.

I tweeted “Dani’s already in labor!! Wow! Wish @DaniellePPayne luck guys! @EleanorCTommo you're next! =) Xx”

And without five minutes to spare, Eleanor, Louis, Dani and Liam took over the trends. :)


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