Chapter 12 - Gone

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“Are you staying at Louis’ tonight?” Harry asked with a big frown.

“Nah. I’m gonna go get my stuff, then I’ll move back in with you.” I smiled, patting his cheek.

“Good.” His frown turned upside down, and he gave me a kiss on the cheek.

“You go on ahead. I’ll be there in 10.”


He skipped to his room, and went inside. Then I went to Louis’.

“Hey, Lou?” I asked, walking in.

“Yeah?” He answered.

“I’m gonna go get my stuff, okay? I’m moving to Harry’s.”

“But it’s Tuesday.”

“Yeah… But…”

“No.” Louis objected, blocking the closet door.

I stormed out of the room and into Harry’s.

“What’s wrong, babe?” He asked, looking up from the book he was reading.

“Louis. He won’t give me my stuff back. Now I have to wait til he falls asleep before I can break in.” I frowned, sitting down on the corner of his bed.

Harry stood up, walked to his closet and rummaged through it. He then got out a shirt and one of his boxers.

“Use these, for the meantime.” Haz said, handing me the clothes.

“You sure?”

“Of course, love. You use my bathroom, I’ve got extra towels over there, plus all the toiletries you could possibly use.”

“Thaaaanks!” I stood up, gave him a kiss on the cheek, and ran to the bathroom. I was just dying for a shower.

I did so, then I got dressed. That was the only time I realized that Harry gave me his Ramones shirt. Anyway, I smelled like Harry, a lot. I walked back out to the room.

“Are you sure you gave me the right shirt?” I asked, walking to my side of the bed, and lying down.

“Of course, love.” He answered with a big smile on his face.

“But this is your favorite shirt…”

“And you’re my favorite girl.” Harry said, moving closer to me ang giving me a sweet little kiss. “Yum. You smell just like me. Hahaha.” 

He wrapped his arms around me and we both fell into a deep sleep.

The next day, I woke up and he wasn’t there. I went out looking for him, but once again, he wasn’t there. All I saw was breakfast on the table, and a little notecard. I picked it up and read it.

•Katie, I’m sorry I had to leave early. I’ve got a couple of errands to attend to. See you later. Don’t forget to eat breakfast, I made grilled cheese sandwiches and hot chocolate. I love you, so much!!! - Harry :) xx 

p.s. Check twitter. ;)•

I sat down the table, nibbled on a piece of toast, and flipped my phone out to check twitter. #SorryKatieILoveYou was trending 3rd worldwide. I checked out his page and saw his last two tweets. The first was a picture of me while sleeping, it said “So hard to leave her alone today. :( I love you @KatieAStyles” the second was “Hi guys! Can you help me get #SorryKatieILoveYou trending? Pretty please? :) -H xx”

Sweet, but still… He could’ve woken me up to at least say goodbye. At first I thought all the lads left, but then I saw Louis come out of his room.

“Good morning, BooBear.” I greeted.

“Good morning, babe.” He answered, kissing my head.

“Do you know where Haz went?”

“Not really, no. What time did he leave?”

“I don’t know… He was gone when I woke up. Do you have appearances today? Or other 1D stuff to do?”

“Uhm… As far as I can remember, we’re free for, like, two weeks…”

“Oh… I see… Thanks anyway…”

After breakfast, I went back to Harry’s room. I was too lazy to do anything so I ended up lying down on his bed and watching reruns of HIMYM for the rest of the day. Louis also went away to spend the day with Eleanor. Around 7 in the evening, Louis went back home and brought me dinner from Wendy’s. I texted Harry saying “I miss you, babe. Where are you? :( xx” but he didn’t reply. Then I tweeted “Anyone seen @Harry_Styles lately? Been missing him a lot. :( xx” I didn’t bother waiting for replies, I fell asleep instantly. I woke up around 2 in the morning, I think, and felt Harry’s arms around my waist. I turned to check, he really was there. I kissed him on the cheek and went back to bed.

The next morning, when I woke up he was gone. It went on like that for a whole week. We never really got to see each other. He’s gone when I wake up, and he come’s home when I’m already sleeping. It seems so stupid. I got a bit angry that he doesn’t even reply to my texts or tweets. I spent that week with the lads and the ladies, and today, Dani invited El and I to a ladies day out.

Dani wanted us to help her in choosing wedding stuff for her and Liam. Last stop for today was at a gown shop.

“It’s perfect Dani.” I commented as she spun around in a Monique Lhuillier piece.

“You think so?” Danielle asked with sparkle in her eyes.

“We know so. Liam’s so lucky to have you, Dani.” Eleanor remarked.

“Thanks, guys…” Dani smiled as she hugged El and I. “Hey, since we’re already here, why don’t you look for your wedding dress?”

“Maybe next time…” I answered.

“Why bother putting it off when you’re already here? Go on!”

As Dani was getting out of her gown, El and I looked for my wedding gown. A stunning piece by Vera Wang caught my eye. It was gorgeous! It wasn’t the poofy white one that girls have always wanted. It was more of a white maxi dress. It had this jewelled belt sewn right around the waist part. I tried it on, the girls loved it, and we got it on hold for me.

We had dinner at Italianni’s and talked about random stuff.

“So… What’s up between you and Harry?” Eleanor asked.

“I don’t know… Haven’t seen or heard from him in a week…” I answered.

“Totally?” Dani asked, surprised.

“He’s gone when I wake up and comes home when I’m asleep. He doesn’t answer my calls, my texts and tweets… So… Uhm… Yeah. He makes me breakfast in the morning and leaves little notes, but that’s about it…”

“Aww… Katie…”

“Nah… It’s okay… As long as he has a good explanation for this…”

Liam picked Dani up from the mall, and Louis picked El and I up. We drove Eleanor home, and then we drove to our flat.

“Lou, can I room in with you tonight? I miss my best friend…” I asked, walking out of the bathroom to the living room where Louis was having tea.

“Of course, I’d like that.” he answered.

I went to his room and watched TV, Louis followed bringing in a cup of hot chocolate and a cup of tea. After drinking my chocolate, I snuggled to him and felt my eyes get all heavy.

“Louis…” I yawned.

“Yes, babe?” He asked.

“Tell your other best friend that he has to have a good explanation for this.”

“Will do. Good night, Katie.”

I wasn’t able to answer because I was already drifting off into sleep.

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