Chapter 5 - Smart little Louis

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Since it was a Thursday, I get to room in with my best buddy in the whole world.

“Hey, Boo…” I mumbled, my head rested on his chest.

“Yeah, babe?” Louis asked, playing with my hair.

“Can I tell you a secret?”

“Of course. I’m pretty sure that’s the main point of me being your best friend…” He chuckled. “Why? What is it?”

“I think… I think… I might be…” I yawned. “I think I might be falling…”

“I also think you might be falling asleep.”

I yawned involuntarily.

“Get some sleep, Katie. You can always tell me tomorrow.” He said, kissing my head. “Love you, Katie.”

I dozed off into a peaceful sleep. I woke up early in the morning, and decided to make the boys some breakfast. I got out of Louis’ bed, out of his room, walked to the kitchen and made chocolate chip pancakes and a steaming pot of Yorkshire tea. As I was flipping pancakes, a pair of arms wrapped around my waist, a chin rested on my shoulder, and lips touched my cheek. I turned to look at who it was.

“Good morning, Haz.” I greeted.

“Morning, babe.” He smiled, the butterflies came. “Smells good.”

“That’s good.”

“Need help?”

“Uhm… Set up the table?”

“Yes, ma’am!”

He let go of me and ran to the cupboards to fetch some plates, tea cups and utensils. He set up the table, I went on with the last batch of the pancakes. We ended at the same time and just as I set the pancakes down on the table, Louis went out of his room.

“Good morning, Boo!” Haz and I greeted.

“Good morning, babe. Good morning, Haz.” Louis answered, kissing me on the cheek.

“Why does she get a kiss and I don’t?” Harry said with a frown.

“I’mma make you beeeeeg for it, beeeeeg for it! I’ll give you what you need, only if you say please.” Louis sang.

“Please?” Harry did his sad puppy dog face.

“Okay.” Louis surrendered and gave Harry a kiss on the cheek.

I can’t help laughing, I actually went into hysterics.

While we were eating breakfast, my phone rang, I picked it up?

“Hello?” I answered.

“Hi Katie!” Danielle greeted.

“Hi Dani. What’s up?”

“Tell the boys to get ready, the bus will be there in two and a half hours.”

“Sure thing.”

“And Katie?”


“Bring wii games!”

“Hahahaha. Okay. I, too, am getting bored with their old ones in the bus.”

“Great! Thanks! Love you! Bye!”

“Bye! Love yah!”

As I put my phone down, Harry grabbed my chin and made me look into his piercing green eyes.

“Who was that?” He asked.

“Why? Jel?” I laughed.

“Yeah.” Haz said with a frown. “You never tell me you love me on the phone.”

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