1. The begining

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(This is a role play between me and a friend on amino. The way this is going is each paragraph is a response back to each other. Now to describe what's happening

So this starts after The End, Tord, more popularly known as Red Leader, kidnapped Tom to experiment with his monster side and keeps him in a secret hq of the Red Army.)

The heavy thump-clack of Tord's boots echoed in the confined hallways of the Red Army's sort of called "dungeon." Just last night, it would finally be put to use for a good reason. He knew very well of Tom's monstrous abilities, and it always fascinated him--so now he had taken the possessed man, and left him in here. Shot with a heavy tranquilizer, it would've taken a while for him to wake up. The small metal door only wide enough for a man to fit through slid open with an ear-piercing screech of rusted metal against metal. Not caring if Tom was actually awake or not, he closed the door behind him and shouted, "Good morning, sunshine!," in his thick Norwegian accent.

Tom was asleep for a while until he started waking up from the sound of tords boots. Tom grunts and groans loudly . He looked around and sees he clearly wasn't at his home. He panicked a little at that till Tom heard the Norwegians voice. Tom growled loudly "commie" he says in a angry tone. He sits up carefully. He felt a bit dazed and pained from the tranquilizer that was used on him. He looks to tord. He didn't even want to see his face again after the robot innocent where tord killed Jon and injured himself. "What the hell am I doing here?!" Tom says looking around his new cage. Tom stands up not wanting to look weak in front of his enemy.

Tord grinned, his sharp canines showing off and his one stormy gray eye piercing Tom's eyeless gaze. "Awwhh, you didn't miss me, Jehovah's?" Tord walked up to Tom, crooked smile still on his face. "I've been watching you for a while--I know that little monster in you. And I want to use it. It would be the perfect weapon! You're currently in the Red Army's 'dungeon.' Of course, we've only given you the finest room for such a dear friend!" He sarcastically gestured to the empty, cold, dark room surrounding them with nothing but a bed, a toilet, and old chains. There were no windows and only one dimly lit light. "I'll be coming in daily to check on you. You've already had your daily dose of...'medicine,' so I figured I'd see how you were waking~"

Tom growled loudly. He didn't like his new cell. He started to think of what he should do. He leans against the wall trying to see if Tord had any weapons on him. He wanted to do some kind of surprise ambush on him without getting shot by Tord. "We aren't friends. Let me go. I'm not going to do anything for you anyways. I won't even go into my monster form or do anything for your stupid army." Tom says and growled. "You might as well just let me go now and save you your time." He says

At Tom's suspicious feeling of the walls, Tord gripped the gun in his belt loop, though said nothing on the matter, instead taking long strides towards him. "I'm afraid you aren't going to have a choice. I'm not going to let you go any time soon--not until we MAKE that monster come out of you." Tord snickered "Look on the bright side! You'll finally do something useful," he snarled with spite in his tone.

"Well you aren't going to get it out of me. No matter how hard you try. Stop wasting you stupid time commie" tom growled. He sees the gun and backs away from Tord. He ends up backing himself in a corner. He growls even more. "If you get me in my monster form I will use it to kill you. One swipe and you'll be dead" tom threatens. He knew he wouldn't be able to kill Tord that easily but was trying to make himself stronger than he seemed.

"You know what? I think I will. And you would've been here so long, so dependent on me to survive, that you'll destroy anything just because I tell you to. It'll take a while, yes, but you'll snap. If you even tried to put one threatening hand on me, I can just let you starve. You can lie in here and die." Tord stopped his steps, letting go of the gun and clasping his hands together behind his back, robotic arm and live arm alike. "By the way, don't even think about trying to get out of these walls. Near impossible to break this stuff. Not only that, you're sealed underground, so if you do manage to break it, have fun suffocating on dirt and sand." He pulled a cigar from his jacket pocket, lit it on a quick flame from his robot arm, and stuck it in his mouth. "You know, you could've just went along with everything all carefree and maybe I'd've given you some better quarters. Guess not, now."

"Well I won't try and work with you. I won't destroy anything you tell me to. I won't let you break me and you wouldn't starve me. If you want me for those powers you wouldn't kill me like that. I don't even believe you would give me anything better than this anyways. I thought you said this was the best the red army has to offer. Good luck trying to break me cause you won't" tom growls. He sits down in the corner and leans his head against the wall. He starts to think of how much an idiot he is being for not just attacking him right now. He gets up now to get his chance of attack him. He growls loudly.

"Hm...Smart, aren't you? Fine. I'll leave it up to you, but you'll snap event--" Tord took a step back at the sudden snarl, eye wide. He laughed. "Doubt that medicine is kicking it yet. Good luck with no weapons!" He actually wasn't sure whether or not Tom could physically control his monster side, and he didn't know how long it would take the serum to start up on him, but he tried to stay sounding confident.

"I don't need any weapons or my monster form to kill you. I'll just have to use fist to kill you. What medicine are you even talking about? " Tom growled and asks confused. He starts to come closer to tord with his fist balled up. He grabbed Tord growling Loudly. He did want to just go into his monster form and hurt him but couldn't since he wasn't sure how he would get out of here. He knew tords soldiers would go after him and kill him if he did anything too bad to tord. Toms fangs started to come out slightly from being so angry.

Tord inhaled quickly when he was grabbed so suddenly, his gun immediately being pulled out and pressing against Tom's stomach. "Just because I won't kill you that doesn't mean I'm scared to shoot. I can put you in pain without killing you," he growled, eye narrowing. His feet took small steps back to ground himself better so he couldn't fall back if Tom released him. The sight of his teeth sharpening make him more nervous, exhaling sharply. "You'll find out about the medicine soon enough. You won't need me to tell you."

Tom felt the gun and was wide eyed. He lets go of tord soon after that. He didn't want to get shot and most likely be left there in pain. He backs away growling to make himself see a bit stronger than he was. "Fine commie, don't tell me about the medicine. I don't care about it now anyways" he growled. He goes and sits in the corner. He sighs. He just wanted Tord to leave now so he could think of a way to escape from this situation.

Tord hastily shoved the gun back in its holder. "There you go." Digging around in his pocket, he pulled out a little cube with a button on it. Walking to the corner where Tom sat, he dropped it in front of him. "Have fun sulking. If you need something, press that button and I or one of my soldiers will come." He turned on his heel, taking the cigar from his mouth and tossing it on the floor. There was nothing that could catch fire in here, anyway. He opened the heavy door, stepped out, and closed it all in one quick movement.

Tom growled as Tord left the room. He was a bit happy that he left. He pushed the small cube away from himself. He leans against the wall also banging his head against it. He looks at the cigarette. He watches it for a bit for some sort of entertainment to himself already becoming bored with nothing to do I. His cage. He lays down seeing nothing else he could do so he decided to take a nap for a bit.

Monster!Tom x RedLeader!TordWhere stories live. Discover now