"where are you going?" he panted. i shrugged my shoulders. "yah. you shouldn't be walking alone, you know. what if you lost your way?" he asked, worriedly. i scoffed. "you have no idea how many times i have come to this mall."

"well. what if something happens to you? wouldn't that be bad?" he ruffled my hair. i shot him a glare. "whatever. nothing will happen to me anyways." i mumbled, fixing my hair.

"yeah, you say that. i saw someone following you from behind just now." he said and i felt my body tensed up. i quickly turned behind to see no one suspicious.

then hoseok laughed. "see! you're scared that something might happen." i rolled my eyes. "you're so lame." i mumbled. "but you like it." he winked. i felt sparks in my stomach, but i ignored the feeling.

but then again, how can i ignore it. when i have been feeling it for the past few days? ugh. whatever.

"yah!" he shouted, snapping me out of my thoughts. i looked at him in confusion. "what?" "seriously. where are you going?" he asked again. i shrugged my shoulder, once again.

"you said you wanted to have something to eat right?" he asked. and i felt my world brighten up at the mention of food. "yeah!" i exclaimed, nodding eagerly. he laughed at my childishness.

"well, choose your pick." he smiled widely. "but what about jimin and jungkook?" i asked. i mean they're probably hungry by now. "oh yeah. don't worry about them. they're boys." i frowned at his words.

"i mean if you say that jungkook's a guy. i can agree to that. but jimin..." my voice trailed off. "yah! you're so bad to your brother." hoseok laughed. and i swear it brightened my day like x100 times.

"well. i was craving for some cake. let's go have it!" i exclaimed, pulling him to the best bakery in the mall.

"hello!" i greeted as soon as we stepped into the bakery. it was really fancy for a bakery. but what can i say? it's the best in the mall. so they earned the lots of money.

"oh hi eunmi-ah!" my aunt came out from the kitchen, giving me a warm hug. "where's ji- ooh~ you brought a boy here." she smirked.

for some reasons, i felt nervous when she said that. "aha! it's nothing like that! he's just my friend." i said, being all awkward.

"oh! anyways, this is hoseok. and this is my aunt." i said. and they exchanged greetings. "please make yourself feel comfortable. i'll go get you your usual." my aunt said and i nodded, making my way to an empty table.

then hoseok sat across me, looking around in awe. i smirked. "it's pretty here, right?" i asked proudly. then he nodded, jaw open. "it's known for the best bakery in the mall." i said.

then hoseok took his phone out. and started taking photographs of the bakery. i smiled to myself, as i watched him take photos. this was another attractive side of him. he told me that he was interested in photography. and showed me a few of his original photos. which really impressed me.

who knows a loud guy like him, would have such a love for photography?

i was snapped back to reality when my aunt came back, with a tray of food in her hands. "enjoy your time. ahem date here." she smiled innocently and went back into the kitchen. leaving me to be a blushing mess alone.

"anyways, please try this cake. it's really good." i said and cut a small piece of the cake. and pushed it to his mouth, unconsciously.

hoseok still had his mouth close, which made me frown. then i looked at him, to see a tint of pink showing on his cheeks. i faked a cough and put the spoon into his hands. "try it." i said awkwardly.

but nevertheless, he tried. but little did i know, this boy has an over-exaggerting reaction. and i should have known about this earlier. because everyone in the bakery was giving us weird stares now.

"sit down! geez." i warned hoseok. then he sat down, bouncing on the chair. his hair bouncing along. "it's really good!" he exclaimed, giving a thumbs up.

i only smiled as i watched him continue eating more. then i took a sip of my favourite warm chocolate with whipped cream.

"aren't you gonna eat this?" he asked me with wide-eyes. i shook my head. "i can have this as many times as i like. i'll just let you have this. for once!" i emphasized on the last part. he chuckled and nodded. "alright. only for once."

i smiled sheepishly and continue drinking my warm chocolate. literally everything they sell here is the best. even the design of the bakery is pretty.

i was lost in my thoughts once again. until hoseok chuckled softly. i looked at him, confusion written all over my face.

"you're so careless." he mumbled, and swiped his thumb across my lips. my body tensed as he did that. then he sucked on his thumb, which made my face x10 times hotter than before.

"there was whipped cream on your face." he explained, smiling widely. then he leaned closer to me. "wait, there's more." he mumbled and did the same action. i just sat there, frozen.

"done." he mumbled. but he continued staying close to me, which made me feel butterflies in my stomach as i stared into his eyes. but my eyes slowly made its way to his lips.

i quickly snapped out of my thoughts and pushed him away from me, lightly.

"y-you're c-crazy." i stuttered. hoseok just smirked.

oh god. i must look like an idiot right now.

what will he think of me?! oh my god.


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