Brock led them to a small wooden cabin, where a blue haired woman was tending to some pokemon. "Oh are these your friends?" asked the woman. "Yes," answered Brock "Ash, Misty this is Melanie". Brock explained that Melanie took care of wild pokemon that had been injured or abandoned. "Oh," said Misty "so Melanie's a pokemon doctor and her cabin is like a pokemon center". "Not exactly," said Brock "it's more like a health spa, where these pokemon can stay and rest for a bit and then be on their way". Ash became suspicious about something; "Do excuse me," he said to Melanie "but we noticed some traps in the forest. And I was wondering if they were there for a reason". Melanie apologized and explained that the holes, nets and broken bridge were to keep pokemon trainers from reaching the hidden village, to make sure that they don't capture any of the pokemon. Ash understood, but he became worried about something; 'Would the traps keep poachers and thieves away though?' he wondered.

Ash's thought was right; Team Rocket had heard about the hidden village and wanted the pokemon for themselves. James passed Jessie and Meowth some black glasses. "What are these for?" asked Jessie. "Put them on," said James, who was already wearing a pair of black glasses, "and look ahead of you". Jessie and Meowth put the glasses on and looked at the path. "No way," said Meowth "those are traps". "It's a good thing I got these glasses" said James. "Where'd you get them from anyway?" asked Jessie. "I nicked them from Team Rocket's lab," said James "they were going to give them to some other Rocket agents. But I nicked before I did". "That was a smart move" said Jessie. "Thanks" replied James.

Meanwhile Ash, Misty and Brock were helping Melanie care for the pokemon. Ash was tending a Staryu, a Caterpie and two Ratattas. Brock and Melanie were tending to a Paras and Weepinbell. Misty was talking to the Oddish she battled earlier. "I do apologize for hurting and scaring you like that," said Misty "Melanie told me you were abandoned, because your trainer thought you were weak". Oddish nodded and waved its leaves in response; saying it forgave Misty. "Thank you Oddish" said Misty, rubbing its head. Just then Misty got tackled by something. It was the Bulbasaur they met before. "Ow what was that for?" shouted Misty. Bulbasaur was growling at Misty; it wanted her to leave the village. Melanie, who saw what just happened, ran over. "I do apologize for Bulbasaur to act like that," said Melanie "it thought you were trying to take Oddish away. You see Bulbasaur hear is the villages bodyguard and it doesn't trust trainers that much". Ash was watching Bulbasaur and thought it was a really remarkable pokemon; 'It would be nice to have a pokemon like that'.

Suddenly a mysterious shadow was flying over them. "What's going on?" said Ash. They heard Team Rockets motto. Team Rocket was riding their balloon "Who are they?" asked Melanie. "They thieves, who like to steal other people's pokemon" answered Misty. "What are you doing here?" shouted Brock. "What do you think twerp?" smirked Jessie "we're here to take the pokemon. Show them Meowth". Meowth pressed a button from the balloon. A huge vacuum hose came from under the basket. It suddenly started to start sucking up. "They never run out of ideas," said Ash "come on we have to get the pokemon to safety". He grabbed Staryu, Melanie grabbed Weepinbell and Misty grabbed Oddish. They all ran to Melanie's cabin. Just as Ash was about to enter, he saw Bulbasaur struggling through the strong wind. He gave Staryu to Misty and gave Bulbasaur a hand. Soon they were all inside the cabin. "If those twerps think hiding in the log cabin will work think again," Meowth smirked "our vacuum will suck them all up". Bulbasaur climbed up onto the roof and vine whipped the hose. Ash sent out Spearow; "Use whirlwind!" he shouted. Spearow made a powerful whirlwind tornado and blew Team Rocket's balloon away. "Team Rocket's blasting off again!"

After the trouble with Team Rocket was over, Melanie thanked the group for their help. She turned to Ash; "Ash I have something to ask you" she said. She picked up Bulbasaur. "I would like you to take Bulbasaur with you". She explained that it was time for Bulbasaur to leave the village and get out into the real world. "These pokemon shouldn't stay here forever, they need to leave soon and grow up into the world. So please take care of Bulbasaur". Ash accepted and asked Bulbasaur for a match. Bulbasaur accepted the challenge. Ash used Spearow as a rematch. "Use peck attack" he said. Spearow pecked at the Bulbasaur like crazy. Bulbasaur used razor leaf to blow Spearow away, but Spearow flew up to dodge. "Now it's time to use your new move, sky attack!" shouted Ash. Spearow had a white energy surrounding it and charged at Bulbasaur. That gave Bulbasaur real pain and dazed it. "All right pokeball go!" said Ash. The pokeball hit Bulbasaur and ding, Bulbasaur was caught and sent to Prof Oak. "Thank you Spearow" said Ash. Spearow squawked with glee. But then he started to glow white, then he grew bigger. When the light faded, Spearow was now a big darkbrown bird, with a longer beak. "Spearow evolved into Fearow" explained Brock. Ash rubbed Fearow's beak in attection and Fearow enjoyed it.

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