She came and laid next to me and laid her head on my chest which resulted in her falling asleep. I fell asleep right after.
My nap lasted about 2hrs then I was up. When I woke up Bria was no longer next to me I got up and hopped my way to my bathroom to take a shower.

I showered the best I could with 1 hand then got out and got dressed in some Polo boxers and a pair of grey sweatpants, black sock on my Good foot and a black tee then I put my sling back on.

When I was done getting Dressed and everything Bria walked in wearing one of my t-shirts and she was eating a apple.

"Can we order pizza and stay in watching movies?" She asked as she walked over and sat on the bed.

"Yea sure I don't care," I said sitting with my back against the headboard and my phone in my left-hand scrolling through Instagram. I saw Chanel just uploaded a picture so I liked it and commented a few emojis.

She sat crisscrossed apple sauce and opened the Pizza Hut app on her phone.

"What kind of pizza do you want"

"Uhh, Hawaiian"

She nodded and started making the pizza.

"What kind of wings do you want?"

" Buffalo Burning Hot"

"You ordering using cash or card?" I asked


"How much?"

"$20.45," she said chewing on the inside of her cheeks still looking down at her phone.

I took 25 dollars out and gave it to her. 4 dollars for their tip.

I got up and went to my closet and grabbed my jar of weed off the shelf then sat back down.

"You know how to roll?" I asked her opening the jar taking out a purp bud.

"Yea I can roll" she nodded her head as she spoke

" Look in that draw, there should be a few packs of dutches in there grab one" she did as told and sat back down

I handed her the bud and she started to break it down when she was done she rolled it up.

When she was done rolling she lit the blunt and we put it in a rotation. By the time the blunt got down to a roach the pizza man was here so she went down and grabbed the food.

She put on the movie "Poetic Justice" then turned off my room light and came to lay down in between my legs with the food next to us.

We chilled like that for the next couple of hours then Bria had to go home. When she left I just stayed in bed and ended up going back to sleep.

                        Chanel Rhodes|Nelle

I swear King better not even utter a word to me for the remainder of the time I gotta be here. I was mad the Bitch had to come over but now I'm livid because these motha fuckas decided they wanted to have sex while I'm in the other room. She was being mad loud and extra too for no reason.

Just Bestfriends? [Urban]| UneditedWhere stories live. Discover now