Why don't you eat my ass

780 13 23

Keemit and mi wus gona go 2 dee mall 2day, so we go. wE iN caR and gess wat... we fuqd. Nut in dee mall, yet, in dee caRRRRRR. Vruum Vruum, I stik raffish up his pussssi. I ask him,

"Why don't you eat my ass, y-y-y-y-y-y-y-y-y-y-y-y-y-y-y-y-y-y-y-y-y-y-y-y-y-y-y-y-y-y-y-y-y-y-y-y-y-y-y-y-y don't you eat my ass" I luuk @ him (uplarrysass  ). I cri. I cri so hared.

"Bc I scarred u wil shit my face"I cri mor.

He no eet my ass bc I kno I will shit his face. I have ass dyslexia, it make me shit on fases.

"Eat my ass" I cri out. All sudden I heer nock on window of caur. Omaiga, is Zain mElik. Keermit role down window,


"Eet her ass"





"Cokatua, farwell, wuld u lik to join? no leeve pls...." he say ok, so I open caur dore and I tak my thong off, bc I don't belebe in paunts. keermit and zEIn both eeth my assss!!!!!! gwowowowowowowowowoowowowowowoowowowowowoowowowowowowowowowoowowowoowo.





it happend, I.... I...I....I....I......I...I... shit on there fases... thei lik it tho, so y keermit complyning if he lik it? tf? confusing ass bitch. Make up your fucking mind you frog, this is why Zayn gets me and you don't.

It bin wile sins zEIn left, I wus sad bc I now wat I haf to do naow. ME ANd keermit gut bak frum mall, I wunted to get muneys $$$ out of him b4 I did it. We go home, and I seet him daown.

"Lissen, I do no tink dis work. I <3 u bby but u only guud for fuqing, dat iz all dat we do and I tink I lik zEIn, he hav moar stuff than u and u do nut luv me u use me 4 my tiddies. and u no eet my ass only when zEIn dus." Dat is wen he tuld me da truth.

"Lissen, I do no tink dis work eether, wen me left mis fattie 4 u I <3 u but now....... im in luf wif zEIn, dat is only reeson I 8 ur asss."

"Wel, maby we shuld bouth d8 zEIn, so we can ceep fuqing." He lik mai idia,


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