Chapter 1: Not A High School Musical 2 Exit

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Chapter 1

I looked at the clock-, 2:58 P.M, only 2 more minutes till I was having fun in the sun. I couldn't even think of any fun yet because I'm still in school- duh. Geometry was the last class of the day, no, more like last class of Freshman year. Holy shit- Summer was soooo close, and I coul-

"BRINGG!" the bell rung, snapping me out of my rambling thoughts. It's interesting how the feeling of freedom is activated with a obnoxious sound. Huh.

Papers were strewn all over the hallways as kids exited school. C'mon people don't do the "throwyourpapersupintheairlikehighschoolmusical2".


I turned around me, to see Gianna running towards me. A smile plastered on her face, showing off her perfect white teeth.

"Omgomgomg summmerrrrrr! Wanna go to the beach? Wait no- let's go shopping first. Wait! No let's go eat. Yeaaaa I'm hungry." She rambled on.

"Haha I have to go ask my mom first, geez what's with you?"

"Idk Dels! I'm just kinda really happy!" She gushed.

That was my Gianna, never letting a bad thought dominate her happy, beautiful self. She was the model to my nerd. She had lush brown hair, beautiful brown eyes and a perfect nose. Basically, she was perfect....then there's me.

Looking at the school windows reflection I took in my appearance. I have been told that I'm like my mother, Asian and always,"thoughtful" . I have brownish hair ,with a small oval face and tiny eyes. I look like an average nerd, with my black rimmed glasses and conservative outfits.

"Well Bye Dels! See you...tomorow?" Said Gianna


I watched as she hopped into her dad's car, and leave me, all alone.
Sigh, yay friends.

Back to reality...I went to a school called Riverdale high, you had your jocks, your cheerleaders, your skaters, your goths, your theater geeks, and your nerds. The nerds consisted of me, and the whole frickin math team. Heck, I blended in so well, someone actually thought I was in the club. JK but really, I'm not THAT smart. I hanged with Gianna as much as possible, but unfortunately, I didn't have a lot of lunches with her. So back to the math club, woohoo.

Well, tbh I didn't even know why I was in the nerds group, I didn't even fit in with them. I was a hybrid of loner and nerd....translating to I wasn't popular, some people hated me. For no reason for the matter fact. The head cheerleader, Tylie, hated me. Not to mention her quarterback boyfriend Jason. They didn't bully me, they just hated me. If the 2 popular kids hated you, EVERYONE hates you...wierd huh?

"Hey Delia, don't you have a math club thing you gotta go to?" Said Tylie, speaking of the devil.
She was walking down the steps of Riverdale with her blonde hair billowing in back of her. Her perfect face was contorted in an evil smirk, mirroring her boyfriends look. Main point is, they looked kinda b****y.

I didn't even answer, I just walked right by, almost tripping over Jason's foot.

"Watch where your going, faggot." seethed Jason, causing laughter to erupt again.

I didn't even let him finish before I was walking away. I was used to that kinda jib jab, but I just didn't want those thoughts penetrate the good thoughts of summer(:


I didn't even realize that I was on the front steps of my boring square house. ( it's very drab) As I entered the front door, I noticed something different, there were boxes that had labels.

"MOMMM-" Then the fact hit me, we were moving.
But to where?

"I'm so sorry Delia", said my mom.

I turned around and looked at my moms stressed,tired face. Mirroring dad's face, but his was more wrinkly and stressful.

"We meant to tell you, but you were doing well in school," my mom was clearly scared to tell me why we were moving.

"Mom it's summer, we have no homework, the teachers would kinda be crazy if they assigned homework..."

"Honey, were moving to Hawaii" said my dad abruptly.

Emotions raced through my mind. The hurt, sadness, shock were the main ones. But then I realized, I could start off new, with a plus, I would be living where people vacation. But what about my friends? Would they miss me? I bet they would, but not forever. But Gianna! what would she say? I mean, she had other friends, but we were close! She will forgive me, I think, I mean I would hate it if my BFF was moving away from boring California.

So I made a final decision on my emotions and thoughts. I realized his could be the opportunity of a lifetime: a fresh start.

"Okay", I said, "When do we leave?"


Sorry this chapter is so short, but please vote and comment! Btw you know who you are, this chapter is dedicated to you. Comment ideas on how to improve this story! Thanks for reading! I will update when I can! So please don't rush me! Thanks!

Btw this is copyrighted by deedaloin. Lol idek how this works. Just don't steal my works k? Ok love y'all

P.s : this chapter is dedicated it my friend(: she know who she is(:

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