Chapter 11 ~ Such a Decisive Plan

Start from the beginning

"Do what?" she whispered back.

"Get them on our side," I stared at her, hoping for an encouraging answer.

"I think your mom can talk them into this. She's very good at speeches."

"But what if they think she's with Seifer?" I questioned. Hazel just squeezed my hand a little tighter, and we continued on following the guards. This place screamed death. It was one of the darker Academies in our realm. Every wall was black and decorated with red lace and pictures. The floor had a transparent coating done, making it feel like you were going to fall with each step you take down to the sharp caves below. As we followed the guards the people here just stared at us, not moving a muscle. They were all goth and gorgeous.

We turned to the left and went around a corner that came to a dead end when the last door approached. There were bones all over the walls, around the door frame, and a skull for a door handle. The only light that was in this Academy was brought from candles that were placed all over. "Wait here," the black haired guard spoke to us. The other guard turned the door handle and they both went inside, shutting the door behind them.

"You can do this mom," I smiled, giving her encouragement.

She turned around to look at me then hurriedly came to me and gave me a hug. "Thank you for having your faith in me my dear," she let go of the hug. The guards opened the door and gestured for all of us to come inside.

We all stepped into the darkest room here. "These are teenage boys. Where is the real Headmaster or Headmistress here?" my mother scoffed and rolled her eyes.

"Did you just insult us?" both of the boys said at the same time as they stepped out of their throne. Their hair were both black as can be and about shoulder length.

"For your information, we are both 703 years old," the taller one spoke fiercely.

"We can snap you like a toothpick grinding against our teeth," the shorter one blurted out so that he could join in on the fun.

"I'm-I'm's guys look young for your age to rule," my mother breathed heavily.

They both laughed hysterically. They seemed like the type of people to joke around. Mischievous, troublesome twins. "Thanks for the compliment," the taller one had a sly smile play across his lips.

"Forgive me your majesties," my mother bowed. Hazel and I just continued on standing still.

"Here, have a seat ladies," the taller one waved his hand in the air and two chairs came flying towards Hazel and I.

"You're warlocks?" Hazel asked as she sat down.

"I believe the correct thing to say would have been a thank you, but yess, we are. Do we have a problem?" the shorter one grinned at her from across the room.

"Of course not," I budged in and took my seat next to Hazel.

The twins put their full attention on my mother. "So, are you going to tell us why you're here or can we just kill you three already?" the taller one stared at her, waiting for an answer.

Ivory clenched her hands but didn't say anything.

"Oh, come on, I'm just joking. We won't kill you," the taller one laughed.

"Yet.." the shorter twin laughed under his breath.

"Oh my," the taller one smiled gracefully towards his brother. "I cannot believe that we forgot to introduce ourselves to these fine ladies."

"Oh, I think you're actually right for a change," the shorter one said sarcastically. "My name is Salem, and this is my annoying twin brother, Jett."

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