Chapter 33: The Beginning of The End

Start from the beginning

"How have -  I not heard - this story before?" Asked Blaise in between laughs

Draco finally took his hands off his face and looked up at the three of them, "I made her swear on Salazar's grave that she would never tell a living soul."

"Ha... instead of being the amazing bouncing ferret, you're the amazing flying ferret." Informed Hermione with a laugh.

The amazing flying ferret gave her a look that could only be defined as: stop. His gaze travelled over to the newly weds on the couch, "What brings you two here?"

"We just wanted to drop in and see how you guys were holding up." Explained Pansy, "Where's Luna?"

"Oh, she's out wit-" Hermione got cut off when Luna and Theo apparated into the room.

Luna was surprised to see Blaise and Pansy in her living room, "Hey, I'm assuming the honeymoon went well?"

"Yeah, it was great." Said Blaise.

"Great, eh?" Snickered Theo as he raised his eyebrows and indicated inappropriate things. 

Pansy just rolled her eyes at his comment. Blaise on the other hand fed Theo's fire, "Oh yeah."

By clearing her throat, Pansy got Theo and Blaise to stop having their inappropriate conversation, "I think Blaise and I are going to leave now, we have some unpacking to do."

"About time," Muttered Draco.

"What?" Asked Pansy.

"It's about time you two left, or are you going to continue to tell embarrassing stories from Hogwarts?" Said Draco only half teasing.

"Embarrassing stories?" Asked Luna, "I want to hear some."

"We're not that bad-" started Pansy, her stomach cramps kicked in again. She stood up and walked over to the bathroom, "I think I'm gonna be sick again."

Before Pansy could close the bathroom door Draco muttered, "Karma's a bitch."

The door flew back open. Pansy asked, "What did you say?"


"That's what I thought," mumbled Pansy.

"What's wrong with her?" Asked Luna once Pansy disappeared into the bathroom.

"She's still sick from the plane ride back from the Caribbean." Explained Blaise.

After a few minutes Pansy emerged from the bathroom and said, "Blaise and I are gonna go now."

"Leaving so soon?" Asked Hermione as she leaned her head against Draco's chest.

Pansy grabbed Blaise's hand before she apparated away, "Yeah. By the way don't go in that bathroom for another twenty to thirty minutes."

Before any of them had the chance to say anything the two of them apparated away and left them in a smelly apartment.

"Isn't that considerate? They drop in, tell embarrassing stories from Hogwarts, complain about how bad 'airoplants' are, and Pansy does Merlin knows what in the bathroom. Then to top it all off Pansy leaves all abruptly like that." Pointed out Draco.

"Pansy's probably just stressed out." Assumed Luna.

"Or hormonal," offered Hermione.

"What are you implying, 'Mione?" Asked Theo.

"She comes in here and tells us about how she's been having these terrible headaches and stomach problems after getting off the plane hours earlier. All motion sickness should be gone after she lands and finds central balance. It shouldn't still be in effect hours later. Plus she was in kind of a sour mood. Sounds like hormones to me." Hermione explained.

"So, you think Pansy's pregnant?" Asked Luna.

"It makes sense," said Draco, "she has the symptoms."

None of them said anything for a moment until Hermione said, "Or it could just be what Luna thought, stress... I guess we'll find out."

Theo shivered like he just thought of something horrible. "Sorry, I just thought of a little Blaise and Pansy's running around." Theo paused a moment before adding, "That's sounds almost as bad as little Draco and Hermione's"

Blood rushed to Hermione's cheeks at the thought of that, she could even feel Draco tense up behind her. Pfft... Thought Hermione, little Draco and Hermione's that is just...  well, I don't even know. An Image of a little boy with Draco's platinum blonde hair and Hermione's soft brown eyes entered her mind, she made herself force the image out of her mind.

"Yeah," scoffed Draco, unsure what to say.

"I can imagine it now... tiny little arrogant nerds frolicking around everywhere," Added Theo, not knowing were to draw the line.

* * * * *

Late one summer night in early July, Hermione was over at Draco's apartment watching a muggle movie with her boyfriend. It kinda became their thing, watching muggle movies together. Hermione got to explain a ton of muggle stuff to him and Draco got to cuddle. The best of both worlds.

"There's something I have been wanting to talk to you about." Admitted Draco, when the credits started to roll.

Hermione turned so she could face him, "Okay."

He cleared his throat a little. Hermione noticed that he seemed a little nervous, which is unlike him.

"'Mione, These past few months have been some of the happiest of my life. For a long time I thought I could never be truly happy. I figured that I just didn't deserve it. I sure don't deserve you," He reached out and grabbed her hands and met her gaze, "I ask myself every day how I've managed to get someone so kind, intelligent, and beautiful."

"Draco, that's so sweet..." Said Hermione.

He was not finished, "Everyday I'm with you, I wonder how I ever managed to get along without you. I can't even picture my future without you in it." Draco reached into his back pocket and pulled out his spare key, "I want us to keep moving forwards together. Will you move in with me?" He placed the key in her hands as he said the last part.

Hermione stumbled at her words, a little a bit surprised, "Y- yes," she couldn't find the words she wanted to say, so she just said what she knew for sure, "I love you, Draco."

"I love you more, Hermione." responded Draco.

The two of them shared a passionate kiss for a few moments before pulling away. Both of them just wanted to take in the moment. Nothing but pure, beautiful love radiated off the two of them.

"I never thought I'd fall in love with the girl across the corridor." Mumbled Draco as he leaned his forehead against hers.

T H E   E N D

Author's Note:

*cracks knuckles after writing this whole entire fanfic* I can't believe I have actually finished this. When I started this I had no idea what I was doing. I want to thank every single one of you for sticking with me until the very end. I couldn't have done this without y'all. Special thanks to my sister, PeculiarPotterhead for sticking with me every step of the way. I'm not sure if I'm going to do an epilogue. More than likely I probably will. 

I'm going to do a Q&A over this fanfic, so if any of you want your questions answered ask them in the comments. 


- MC

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