35 • facts about me

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•i'm 4"10 but put me in some high tops and i'm 5"
•my school is a middle and high school
•my name is actually Hailey Marie
•i like a lot of things
•my music taste is better than yours
•Jungkook is my fetus
•i dislikes labels (???) i feel as if you don't need labels to tell you who you are and what you do but if you enjoy finding your inner self in label I applaud you for doing so, but life would be so much better without that extra stress in our lives
• my sexuality is a donut
•my birthday is July 17
•i'm 100% American so don't deport me bc I'm black
•and I refuse to say the n-word unless it's in a song (sometimes not even that tbh) bc it's just such a rude term that everyone is bitching over who and who can't say it like just not say it at all okay—
•my favorite korean band atm is BTS
•i have a jungkook sweater
•i like memes
And that's it bby

happy-go-lucky. || poetry and rantsOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora