chapter 6 - nightmares

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“Course not, they’d just make do without you or reap another innocent girl,” Kai says, as though it was obvious. My hopeful plans come crashing to the ground as I realise it is pointless and as reality rushes in, dampening my happy thoughts.

“B-but Felon said that they’d cancel the Games.” I pout.

“Yeah, but he’s Felon” he says, as though that is all the explanation needed. It is not.

“So?” I say icily.

So, he doesn’t know a single solid fact and frets about every single thing. He even frets about us getting to sleep on time!” Kai points out and I nod, forcing myself to listen to reason. I motion of us to start walking, thinking of the long journey ahead. He obeys and we fall into a natural pace.

“So… you ok?” Kai says awkwardly.

“What, aside from being reaped, finding out my dad is my mentor, that you’re my ‘fellow tribute,’ that trying to escape is pretty darn impossible and everything else?” I ask, counting them off on my fingers. “Yeah, I suppose if you miss out that part, it’s been a pretty normal day for me. How about you?” I say.

“Sorry, bad question I guess. And what did you mean about having me for a ‘fellow tribute?’ What’s so bad about that?” Kai asks, as though he has no idea.

“Well, um, you know,” I trail off. I really didn’t want to remind him of the day I punched him, not when he was being so nice to me. He still looks none the wiser.

“I punched you. So I thought you’d hate me and try to kill me in the arena. And at the reaping, when I shook you’re hand, and when I fell on you, I thought, I may as well kill myself now, it’s clear you are going to kill me the minute the gong goes.” I finish. Kai looks at the floor.

“Yeah, well, we’re supposed to be enemies. So I showed everyone we were enemies, in case they doubt it.” Kai explains.

“Well, no one noticed. And besides, the Capitol want us to be enemies.” I say.

“So?? And besides, if I’d have collapsed in your arms, I would hardly look like an enemy!!” Kai exclaims.

“Yeah, but the point is, the Capitol want us to be enemies so then everyone thinks, we need to be enemies, but we don’t have to do what the Capitol says all the time. We’re not fish, we can think for ourselves!” I point out.

“If we portray ourselves as friends, the Capitol will punish us.” Kai retorts.

“Hey dummy, they already have!! Duh! They reaped us, for no reason other than we are a kid. And so they can’t really hurt us, not if we’re going to be on display to the whole of Panem and then sent to our death.” I reply.

“But what about our family? Well, mine anyway. The Capitol have no reason not to hurt them.” Kai says.

“Don’t you notice anything?? They interview the victors family so they can’t kill them.” I say, as though it is obvious.

“But we might not win.” Kai points out.

“But we might. Well, you might.” I say. “And they can’t kill Dad cause he’s a Victor and the Capitol love him. My death will be grief enough. He’d probably welcome death.” Kai stares at me.

“How can you, just, like, write yourself off like that?? You could win you know.” Kai reassures me. I peer at him.

“Oh come on, you know that won’t happen. You, though, you can join up with the Career pack, like everyone from 4 does. And then, you never know, you could actually make it back.” I reply encouragingly.

“Yeah, well, I doubt it. Nice arguing with you and all that but I’ve got to get some sleep now.” Kai says, pretending not to hear me going on about his possibility of winning. Without another word, Kai turns into a nearby room.

“Goodnight.” I say but there is only an electronic door (probably from 3) to hear me. I walk up to the next door and push it open. Inside is darkness. I fumble around for a light switch and turn it on. I hear a familiar groaning and know without question that Dad lies trapped in his many nightmares. I stare at him longingly and think about going over and comforting him. Then I remember what Dad said earlier and turn out the light. Quietly, I pad out of the room and into the one next door. Luckily, it is my room, not Felon’s, who would surely scold me for being out of bed ‘way past my bedtime.’ Too exhausted to explore the closet for pyjamas, I just clamber into bed naked. The silk sheets feel like rough wool and the plumped-up pillows feel like hard wood. I toss and turn for around half an hour before finally falling into the depths of sleep. No nice dreams comfort me tonight though. Just scenes of Dad being taken from me, Kai murdering me in the dead of night and Charlie Sew killing Coral because I wouldn’t

co-operating. I awake at last and find that there is a loud blaring noise. For a moment, I think it is a fire alarm. But only for a moment. Then I realise that the sound is coming from me. That I am screaming. I close my mouth and hope that no one heard. I listen for any sign that I have awoken someone. There is none. Just as I am about to turn over on my side and attempt to sleep for a few hours, I hear my door creak open. I sit bolt open, my mouth ready to scream again… My light switches on. I blink rapidly in the brightness. My enemy was trying to blind me for sure.

Ashley Odair (73rd Hunger Games)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang