Ashley Odair (73rd Hunger Games)

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Ok, Here's to all those Hunger Games Fans. And Finnick fans! In this, Ash is Finnicks daughter and she is half Capitol (not meaning to be disturbing!) My 3 friends (ivyeverdeenmellark, sophieHGkatniss and mintythefox) all half written it from their POV (of different characters)  Enjoy!!

I’m Ash. And I wasn’t expecting today. Nothing could have prepared me for this. Today was reaping day. No big day for me. I’m half Capitol. I don’t get picked. I don’t even think my name goes into the reaping ball but I’m still told to line up with all the other 13 year old girls. Just for appearance, I suppose. That’s why my Dad, Finnick, never trained me. He’s cool, is Finnick. He’s always going off to the Capitol, doing things I don’t even want to think about, which is annoying because I have no idea what he does but he comes back with tonnes of money and gifts for me. Everyone in district 4 loves him. They’d do anything for him. Almost everything. I’ve seen the way they look at him. And the boys look at me. Euh! I hate them all. They’re all idiots. I guess you’d think that no one would notice me because I am tiny. I look around 10 but I’m actually 13! I guess they just like my long, bronze hair and sea blue eyes. A couple of them came over to talk to me once. They were very rude so I punched them in the face. Dad wasn’t too happy about it but everyone left me alone after that. Everyone but my best friend, that is. She’s called Coral. We’re both 13 but she looks 16 while I look 10. She’s the closest thing I have to a sister but not even she knows that I’m from the Capitol. Dad only told me a few years ago.

So it was reaping day and we were all stood together, looking very solemn. I was actually daydreaming about my latest book that Dad had given to me on his last ‘business’ trip all about plants when the girls name was picked. I looked up at the sun. I felt someone nudging me and reluctantly drew myself back to the present. I heard Felon Treasury calling out to the audience.

“Come on out now, don’t be shy!” I guess someone was still getting over the shock that they were either going to be a champion, like my Dad, or be dead in the next 3 weeks. I felt sorry for them. I noticed that poor Felon was getting very frustrated.

“Ashley Odair would you please come up here. Your name has been chosen and you are district 4’s girl tribute. Come on up. In a few weeks’ time, you’ll be back here as a champion!” Felon coaxed. I froze. Ashley Odair? That was me. But… I couldn’t be picked! I was from the Capitol!! They couldn’t do that! Surely! Oh no. Realising I had no choice but to step forward, I clamber onto the stage. I hear a few of the idiots in my year sighing softly in the near silence. I feel very self-conscious. I’m not like my Dad, I don’t revel in attention, I despise it.

“Ah, there you are Ashley.”  I hear Felon sigh with relief. I nod, my mouth too dry to speak. My first thought is ‘I won’t get to eat that delicious feast waiting for me and Dad. The delicious shellfish, oysters and cod.’ I sigh wistfully, thinking of the luxuries that we are usually denied.

“Right!” Felon announces, waking me from my daydream. I’m always daydreaming, according to Coral. I think of Coral and search for her face in the crowd but can’t find her. I think back to the time we first met…

I end my daydream in time to hear Felon Treasury announcing the male tribute for district 4...

Ashley Odair (73rd Hunger Games)Where stories live. Discover now