When You Meet Again

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Seto Kaiba
After the incident you thought you'd stalk um check out your saviour, so with your comfiest pyjamas on and a hot cup hot chocolate you sat down on the couch. You logged into your laptop and went straight to your search engine and typed in Seto Kaiba. The results almost made you spit out your hot chocolate, the man who saved you created the fricken duel disk - not that you played but you knew it was an important part of the game - he was famous yet he saved some random girl. A brilliant idea struck you and you jumped off the couch and ran to your room to change, now that you did some stalking, you'd be able to head down to his office and thank him! Grabbing your purse you flew down the stairs and out the front door and towards the Kaiba Corp but then you stopped and pulled out your phone to call a cab because you had no idea where Kaiba Corp was. A cab picked you up shortly and then you were off, after a twenty minute ride you made it, you handed the driver some money and entered the building. Off to the side was a large desk with a receptionist sitting there and talking on the phone while taking notes, you sheepishly walked up to her and waited patiently for her to finish.
"Hello welcome to Kaiba how may I help you?"
"I'd like to see Mr.Kaiba please."
"Alright and what's your name?"
"(Y/N) (L/N)." She glanced at her computer and a small frown replaced her cheery smile.
"I'm sorry miss but you don't have an appointment."
"But this is important."
"I wish I could help but Mr.Kaiba is a very busy man, there's nothing I can do." You were about to argue further but you spotted an elevator to the left and a small boy patiently waiting to get on, that must be an elevator to the public maybe you could sneak in.
"Thanks anyway." You sighed and inconspicuously made your way to where the boy was standing.
"Hey kid does this lead to or near Mr.Kaiba's office?"
"Yup it goes to his hall, why do you want to see him?"
"He helped me out and I wanted to say thank you again."
"Why didn't you just send him an email?"
"I didn't even think about that...".
"That's alright I can take you up."
"Why are they letting you in your just a kid?"
"I'm Mokuba, I'm Seto's brother." You nodded and waited for the elevator with the small Kaiba soon it dinged open and you bother stepped in, it took a millisecond before it opened again on the right floor. Mokuba grabbed your hand and pulled you towards two menacing doors, without knocking he pushed one open and enetered.
"Hi Seto! I brought someone." The brown haired man looked up from his computer but looked back down right away.
"I'm sorry Mokuba but you can't keep her."
"Hey I'm not an animal! Oops sorry didn't mean to yell anyway you probably don't remember me but I'm (Y/N) and I wanted to thank you for saving me on Friday."
"You talk too much."
"You don't talk enough."
"On the contrary I talk just the right amount and right now I'm speaking in excess so leave before I waste anymore time."
"Ouch, who pissed in your Cheerios?" You snorted. It could have been just a trick of the light but to you it looked like his mouth twitched almost wanting to form a smile.

Joey Wheeler,
Your doorbell rang and you swiftly went to open it and it revealed Joey, the guy you got paired up with.
"Hi (Y/N)! How ya doin? Ready to get started?"
"I'm doing fine and yes I'm ready to get started, my parents and older brother aren't home so we have the whole house to ourselves-". You abruptly stoped, wait why did I say that? Oh good Zeus please don't let him think I meant anything with that.
"Alright guess that means no interruptions eh?"
"Yup that's exactly what I meant nothing else. At all. Got that blonde?"
"I don't get it?"
"Never mind let's get to work."
You turned around to see your cat come running into the room hissing, in one swift movement it pounced and attacked Joey.
"Eep! (C/N) get off of him right now." You yelled, your cat back away slowly glaring at Joey the whole time, you picked him up and gave him a cuddle and before long he began to purr.
"I'm sorry he's never done that before." You dropped the cat gently and held out your hand to help Joey up, his larger hand tightened around yours and your face felt a little bit warmer.
"Nah it's fine happens all the time, cats don't like me very much." He shrugged, you were still blushing because he hadn't let go of your hand.

Yami Bakura
You were out shopping with your older sister, when you saw a familiar ball of fluff in the crowd, you were about to make a beeline for it when your sister asked you another stinking question.
"Does this dress suit me?" Of course it did. You could put a potato sack on your sister and she'd look amazing and probably start a new trend.
"It looks great, you wouldn't mind me going over to EB Games would you?"
"We're not going over there, we're spending the day together, remember?"
"Then why do we keep going to places you want to go?"
"Because I drove here and plus I have to watch you don't want anything to happen to you." After the small lecture she changed and bought the dress and began pulling you to a shoe store, sadly you had missed the fluffy haired boy and he was nowhere in sight. Another hour later you guys left the shoe store and decided to hit a store filled with moisturizers, shampoo, perfume etc. While your sister roamedcthe aisles you stood around doing nothing when you saw the top of someone's head, who happened to have white and fluffy hair. Moving quietly you peaked around the aisle seeing Yami Bakura deciding between coconut moisturizer and aloe Vera moisturizer.
"I didn't know you used moisturizer."
"Pfft I'm buying this for a friend."
"Mmhm sure you are."
"I am!"
"Are not you liar."
"Grr, fine you win I use moisturizer you didn't really think I woke up and looked this good did you?" You giggled a little at his antics, but you had to admit he did look pretty good.
You raced through the abandoned alleyways as fast as you possibly could on your Mothers bike, you swerved and came to a complete stop a the finish line. Another moment later and some other racers passed the finish line, a girl walked up to you and raised your arm signalling you won.
"Do you want a kiss honey? I usually kiss the winners but I'll ask you." The girl asked in a thick Arabic accent.
"Nah I'm alright thanks for the offer." She smiled and went off to start the next race, you got back on your bike and drove down to the garage where most bikers left their ride till they went home. You left the beautiful piece of machinery and went to grab a snack from the makeshift concession stand, but before you got their a few boys blocked your way,
"How'd you win that race?"
"I drove my bike, it's alright I understand if you don't know what that is."
"Shut up smartass, I know what a bike is I'm one of the racers!"
"Could have fooled me, have you ever tried trying to learn how to use a bike before racing?"
"Shut up you little cheater!" He yelled, the alcohol on his breath VERY obvious.
"I didn't cheat draugr breath." (Anyone get that?)
"Never mind guess someone as dumb as you wouldn't get it." His two bodies pushed you up against the wall, and the big dumb one pulled back his fist, right before it hit you someone stepped between you two and grabbed the fist with his hand.
"If I were you I would leave her alone."
"Move little man." That seemed to be the wrong thing to say because the guy with the big hair twisted his fist and brought behind the guys back before bringing it down onto his knee snapping it. The other two ran away and the guy on the ground screamed.
"Leave." The man growled and the one with the broken arm quickly got up and scurried away, Mr.Mystery turned around and yo realized who it was.
"Hello again."

Yami Yugi
You recently decided to get into duel monsters and a friend of yours recommended a small shop at the corner of her street. So after hanging out with her you thought you'd check the place out, so you walked down the street till you came across a modest sized card shop. The door opened with a small jingle and a short old man was behind the counter dusting a card, not a card pack but an individual card. It was kind of weird but maybe he just really liked his cards?
"Um hi I kind of just started playing this game soI could I maybe get some help making a - dang what was it called again? Oh yeah a deck." He smiled cheerily not at all criticizing your lack of card knowledge.
"Of course, but I'm a little busy so can my grandson help you out?"
"Sure doesn't make a difference to me." You shrugged.
"Yugi can you come help a customer." A boy who looked really familiar came down the stairs he looked just like Yami wait a second, could this be Yami? No, his grandfather called him Yugi.
"Oh sorry Yami, thought it was Yugi right now."
"It's alright I'll still help." He smiled your way and you looked at him very confused, he came to the other side of the counter and grabbed your hand pulling you towards a display full of cards. His hand was tightly wrapped around yours and even when he go there he wouldn't let go, and you stood there blushing like an idiot.

Yu-Gi-Oh Boyfriend ScenariosTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon