Chapter 14

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I glanced at the weather outside. Just nice for a dip later after I'm done with the shitload of work, I thought. Pulling out the baking tray from the oven and placing the food on the table, I turned to pull out a carton of fresh milk and two cups, placing them beside the plates. The sound of familiar footsteps resonated in the empty house as I glanced at the time, smiling to myself like the usual fool I am. I felt a pair of large hands snake around my waist, my hands instinctively holding onto theirs.

"Morning, sugar," My lips curve into yet another smile. "Slept well?" I turned around to meet him in the eye.

"I would have if not for a particular someone," A soft chuckle left Taka's lips as he moved closer to me, our bodies almost touching as I felt his breath on my neck.

"Well, would you kindly enlighten me?" A slight smirk was on Taka's face as he pushed me up on the kitchen counter and leaned in to latch on my lips. It wasn't long before I had my legs wrapped around his slightly chiseled torso and my hands playing around with his hair. I gave a soft chuckle as his fingers interlocked behind my back. 

"Please," The both of us jump slightly as we disconnected our lips. I gave a slight eye roll as she crossed her arms. "It's nice to know how much you love each other but please, I don't need to see graphic content first thing in the morning," A slight smile formed on my lips as I got off the counter top and sat around the dinner table, pulling out my laptop as I checked the emails I received over the night.

"Ah~" Taka held a spoonful of scrambled egg close to my mouth. I pouted at his offer. "You shouldn't starve yourself, sweetie," I lightly sighed before taking a tiny bite off the spoon, only to have Taka shove the whole goddamn spoon into my mouth.

"Fuck you," I muttered as I swallowed the contents.

"Mum, please," I groaned as I returned to my emails. Taka and I had Kimiko 10 years ago. She had the same smile and attitude as Taka, and her eyes as well her laughter was exactly like my own. I guess it runs in the blood that we're a family of singers. Taka's parents were singers, we're singers, and Kimiko's the lead singer of her own band she's having.

"How's the band going anyways, Kimiko?" Kimiko looked up with a grin.

"It's going great! We found a new drummer, and guess what? She's half Japanese, like me!" I couldn't help but lightly smile at her excitement. "Ah right," She muttered as she pulled out a stack of paper from her schoolbag. "Can you take a look at these? I wrote these songs and we really want to form an album and release it,"  I looked up at Taka who was now grinning as he read the lyrics. A family of songwriters, too. 

"Dad isn't the only songwriter here, Kimiko," I stated as I took one song from Taka's hands and read it. In all honesty, it was indeed lacking in various places but what could you possibly expect from a 10 year old? This was already a work well done considering her age and I was extremely proud of that. Lightly patting her head, I handed her back the papers as Taka started highlighting and writing notes down. I slightly rolled my eyes at his amount of concentration. I swear, he doesn't even concentrate that much on me than on music.

"You want me to prove it to you that I pay attention to you more than anything?"

"Try me then," A smirk formed on Taka's lips, it was quite obvious what he was thinking in his head by now. Kimiko pouted as she placed her water bottle in the school bag.

"I've got to learn Japanese soon if I want to understand all those small talks you two have between yourselves. Ah, and uncle Ryota, Tomoya and Toru too," 

"But all those things  are stuff children like you shouldn't understand yet,"

"It's not fair-"

"It's time for school already," I pushed Kimiko out as I grabbed her black bag filled with badges of rock bands along the way and entered the car. Taka took his place at the driver's seat and started the engines, placing his hands between my thighs as he always does ever since he started driving.


"Hi Mr Moriuchi!" Kimiko's band members waved at Taka as I closed my eyes, trying to catch a nap and also to shut the fucking annoying world out for a second.

"Fat as hell."

"She's so fucking ugly, wondered how she could have gotten married with that face."

"Fucking whore."

"Nah, she probably forced Taka to marry her since she got pregnant."

"God, she's such a slut. I can't even stand looking at her for a split second."

Tears well up in my eyes as those comments went through my head. Damn it. Why can't the world be nice to me for just once? I suddenly felt a hand touch my cheeks, lightly wiping away the tears that had by now streamed down to my cheeks. I opened my eyes to gaze into Taka's dark orbs.

"Fuck all those people, you're beautiful as you already are. The last thing I want is to have you gone. Don't ever leave me, y/n. Don't ever leave me and Kimiko alone, without you. I don't really want to say this but..." I looked down at our interlocked hands.

"I lost Kaoru to suicide, I don't want to loose you the same way too," I felt his free hand wrap onto my body as he pulled me closer. "Don't fucking harm your body in any ways, don't even think of starving yourself. You're already stick thin," My eyes faltered as yet another tear fell onto his shirt. I don't know how long we stayed in that position, but by the time I had come to my senses, I was already on our bed, Taka who was prepped up beside me on his sides and gazing at me all the time when I was asleep. 

"Wakey wakey," he whispered as he gave a small kiss onto my lips. I inhaled, taking in the mixture of his cologne and lemons. It's so good that I'm probably addicted to his scent by now. I felt him wrap his arms around me as I wrap my own around his body, closing the gap between us and cuddling into each other's warm embrace, whispering sweet nothings to each other. I knew who I was in love with; I was in love with this dumbass who loves me unconditionally. I was in love with this man who would never let a single tear fall from my face. I was in love with this man named Takahiro Moriuchi.

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