chapter 10

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My eyes widened at his words. How??

"What the heck did both of you do?" Taka raised his voice as he clenched his fists. "How... How far did you two go?" His voice and eyes had faltered by now as his eyes glistened in the lights. It was as if he had asked this question, begging for a certain answer to come out but it was clearly not an option to lie to him instead, considering how much he might have known.

"You're... You're soaked, dry yourself or-" I attempted to qipe away the water dripping from his forehead but he forcefully pushed my hand away.

"What the fuck did you do?!" I jumped at Taka's sudden shout and gulped.

"How... How did you know?" Taka inhaled sharply before showing me his phone screen. The headlines screamed "Lead vocalist of The Fuming Stones in a relationship with Hiro of My First Story?" with a picture of us making out on the sofa in Hiro's house the other day. My face wasn't clearly seen in the photo, but Hiroki's face was clear as hell. It was quite obvious that the girl was me, considering how I had been recently going everywhere with Hiro it seemed as if we were dating and how her silhouette looked like mine.

"It's all over the news, don't you dare deny that you slept with my brother," I bit my lips. As much as I wanted to tell him the truth, I knew he wouldn't accept it.

"I'm- I'm sorry. I didn't know what got to me and I just-" I stopped when I notice Taka's tears falling. He quickly wiped it away before clearing his throat.

"Was I l-lacking somewhere? Was I not... Good enough for you?" His words froze me. Never had it crossed my mind that Taka would feel hurt by my actions in this way, blaming himself for it. I looked down, my vision getting blurry as I bit my lips even harder till I could taste my own blood.

"No..." a single tear escaped and rolled down my cheeks. "It's- It's all my fault. There was no- nothing wrong with you," I stuttered in between soft sobs. There was a moment of silence before Taka decided to speak.

"Was it because I left you for so long?" My head snapped up to face him the moment I heard his question. A soft laughter left his lips. "I was right then," He placed his hands in his pocket before chewing on his lips for a while as the tension between us became even heavier.

"Hiroki and I didn't do anything,"

"What do you mean?" Taka asked as his eyes widened. "Weren't you guys making out?" 

"We were. But please Taka, listen to what I have to say," I begged as tears fell from my cheeks. Taka casted his glance to the side.

"I'm sorry... Hiro managed to make me waver for a while and he just took that chance. I tried stopping him, but he said some stuff that made me feel rather upset and I just... lost it."

"What did he say to you?" I gnawed at my lips for a few seconds before speaking.

"He said that you weren't there for me when I needed you the most, and it was him instead that stopped everything from happening. That sort of struck me and I just..." I heard a sigh from Taka.

"So I wasn't good enough to be your boyfriend?"

"No... I told you, I really didn't know why his words would attack me and made me loose my defence," Taka placed his hands in his pockets. By now, his hair was dripping less although his clothes were damp.

"If you're really sorry and nothing really happened between the both of you," Taka turned to meet my eyes. 

"Then, kiss me," My eyes widened for a second. After this he wants me to kiss him? Don't get me wrong, I would love to touch those lips of his once again, but I felt that he wouldn't want me to even touch him after finding out that I cheated on him. "What are you waiting for?" I jumped out of my thoughts as Taka pulled me to him by my waist. "Are you going to do it or not?" Closing my eyes, I placed both my hands on his cheeks before leaning in, touching his soft lips with mine. The mixture of lemons and cologne wafted into my nostrils as I found my hands trailing to his hair. For how long have I not touched that lips of his? Smelt his oh-so-good cologne? Touched and tangled my fingers in his soft hair? I smiled at those thoughts in between our kisses before his lips quickly caught mine as his hands wrapped around my waist. The both of us pulled away, hair slightly messy as we gasped for air before connecting our lips again. The next moment I opened my eyes, we somehow managed to come in my room. Taka's lips parted from mine to lock the door before we fell on the bed, tangling our fingers in each other's hair.


"God damn it," I muttered as the sunlight shone right through the binds.  Moving closer to him, I felt a small amount of pain run down my thighs as I winced at it, keeping my voice as soft as possible to prevent Taka from waking up. On any morning, I'd prefer to leave the bedroom immediately, wash up and prepare breakfast before starting work. This time, however, I wanted to lay in this position and gaze at his sleeping face forever. Smiling, I carefully pushed away some of the hair that fell onto his face, unintentionally waking him up in the process. "Sorry," I muttered before Taka pulled me close to his body again. Somehow, his presence made my room feel so cosy and warm.

"Slept well?" A small smirk formed on my lips as I traced his tattoos.

"You do know the both of us couldn't sleep much last night," I heard Taka's soft chuckles. "But you do forgive me, don't you?" Taka pulled away to look at me in the eye.

"What do you think?"What a wierd way to make up. "Come on," Taka whispered in my ear before sitting up. "Time to get your lazy ass to work," I whined as Taka ran his fingers in his hair. "You're such a baby," Taka sighed before he came to kiss me in the lips. My eyes widened at his actions as I stared at him as soon as he pulled away. "Awake now?" I felt my cheeks burn as Taka smirks at my dazed expression. Reaching for my handphone at the side, I checked all the notifications from last night before taking my clothes from the floor and wearing them. I didn't particularly care about what items I picked up; as long as it was wearable, I slipped it on me. I took a glance at the mirror. My hair was a complete mess and the crumpled tshirt was obviously way too big for me, falling down to mid thighs. Anyone could see that this shirt was probably 2 or 3 sizes too big for me. 


Sipping the cup of tea, I scrolled through my emails on my computer before rubbing my sore eyes. Taka was multi tasking between typing something on his own computer and writing notes on his notebook. Apart from the constant tick ticks from two keyboards and the occasional humming and flipping of papers, the whole room was quiet. Both of us knew that it was best to not listen to any music or have any distractions around that might affect our song outcomes. With a light sigh, Taka closed his notebook before shutting his eyes for a while. I quickly browsed through the remaining few emails before shutting down my laptop. Emails usually consisted of song samples, copyright permissions, invites and information, as well as other stuff the company sends, majority of them all bullshit. I rested my head on Taka's laps. Gazing at his face, those questions stayed in my head as I pondered whether to ask him or not. Was it the right time to ask? Just then, Taka twirled my hair before looking at me.

"What's wrong? You seem troubled," Since he had asked me, I felt that it was probably better to ask him right now before I drag it any longer.

"Who is Kaoru? What happened to her and what's your relationship with her?"

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