The Beginning

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The cold, crisp morning air ate at Zach's skin as he was walking to school. He stared up at the clear sky and breathed in the icy air. It opened up his nose making him feel awake. he gazed down at his watch and moaned.

"I'm late." he sighed.

He broke into a run, speeding down the walkway trying desperately to not hit people in the oncoming traffic. Finally arriving at the gates, he bends over and puts his hands on his knees, trying to catch his breath.

"Zach!" the sweet sound of her voice was like music to his ears.

He looks up to see Alina, he can't help but smile. Her long brunette hair bounces at her shoulders as she runs. Alina's aura has a warm feeling to it that makes all the people surrounding her, instantly adore her. That was only one of the many reasons he loved her. The way her small lips curled up at the edges when she called Zach's name, or how her nose crinkles up when she laughs just made Zach fall harder and harder. He would never tell her, a girl like that would never like a guy like him, he thought.

Alina was relieved to see him back at school, she thought he was going to drop out after his dad died. Zach's dad was like his best friend, her heart sank when she got the call from his mum telling her there had been an accident. Alina's heart fluttered when she saw Zach smile at her, he was one of the most handsome boys in school. At one point there was a rumour that if a girl looked at his smile, she would fall in love with him instantly. Unfortunately, Alina fell for Zach years ago. She was too afraid to admit it to him, she could barely admit it to herself. She barely even knew what loved felt like, she could only describe as wanting to do anything to make the other happy, Willing even to sacrifice oneself, for the sake of a lover.

"Hey there Rabbit." Zach prepared himself for Alina to ram herself into his arms.

"You came back. You've been gone for ages." She feels a cool washed over her body as Zach wraps his long arms around her.

"What? You've been seeing me almost every day. You practically live next door." He chuckles, taking in the feeling of having someone as perfectly fitting for his arms as Alina.

He felt as if they were made for each other, their arms linked together faultlessly as if they were puzzle pieces specifically designed to be together. Alina felt the same way, the feeling of having someone as big as Zach protecting her fragile body made her feel safe.

"I mean back at school you idiot" she giggles looking up into his crystal blue eyes. they sent a shiver down her spine, they made her feel as if Zach could see right through her like she was transparent. "I'm surprised they're not holding you back, it has been over a year."

"I've been getting home schooled you know, I'm still smart as ever." Zach raises his hand and shakes it side to side sassily.

Alina smiles at his goofiness.

"How's your mum?" she bit her bottom lip, afraid to ask.

"Still getting shitfaced at every possible chance she gets." Zach looks down.

Everything goes silent, only the subtle murmur of students speaking around them. The quiet rustling of leaves in the spring air is the only thing keeping the silence away from being awkward.

"Let's go to the roof." Alina breaks the silence.

They climbed the ladder to get up onto the roof. The view from there is breathtaking, one side it faces into the school but on the other, it faces the city. As far as the eye can see are amazing buildings. The city was always active, day and night, people always our, cars always driving. Something about it was oddly mesmerising to Zach. Alina notices that he's not talking, which is very out of character.

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