Transforming: Chapter X

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It's been a while since I updated....truly sorry, no excuse.  



Aiden saw a switch go off in Alessandra, the inner bad side in her was turned on was very amusing to Aiden.

He watched her eyes become sparky, like electricity, he saw the way her confidence increased in outstanding amounts, he saw the look of worry that she always wore was fading, this was the side of her that didn't care; he had to admit, the careless and daring side of her worried him. He didn't know why, he usually didn't give a fuck about anyone that was not Elena, Daniel (sadly), Lance, and unexpectedly, Zachariah. Even the people that he was supposed to love, he didn't give a rats ass about, like his mother, he didn't care about her.

Alessandra smiled at him, the one Elena gave him when she wanted something.

"What?" Aiden said, rolling his eyes.

"Where are we going?"

Aiden didn't know, he was just driving, he was going to go to the promenade, then Alessandra came along, an pretty much ruined the purpose of him leaving the school. He left the school to blow off steam, but he wasn't mad anymore, just in need of a smoke.

He grabbed the cigarette he had intended on smoking before the whole psycho bitch thing happened and lit it, huffing it in, and blowing it out of the widow. He wasn't proud of smoking, it was just a bad habit, one he picked up on when he was fourteen.

Alessandra looked at him. She looked confused. But he didn't press on her expression, she was aggravatingly unreadable, Aiden didn't know why her emotions occurred, if she was confused he didn't know why, her emotions were abrupt.

"Can I have one?" She gestured to the cigarette.

Aiden brought his eyebrows together. What compelled her to smoke? "Why?"

"It takes the edge off, right?"

He nodded and thought of a lie. "This is my last one."

"Can I have it?"

"No." His tone was flat.

"Why not?"

"Because it's mine and I don't share." Whatever she was going to say was cut off by a police siren. Aiden smirked.

He looked at Alessandra who looked genuinely worried, she was gripping the arm rest on the door and pressed her body to the side of her chair. Aiden put the car in sports mode and stepped on the gas pedal with force.

The car lurched forward at a force that sent Aiden laughing. The feeling was exhilarating. The police were yards behind him, he was pushing his gas pedal as far as it could go. Did they really think they could out race an Audi R9 ( a car that's not even out yet) with some crappy police car? Aiden had shifted his car to sports mode and drove the straight rode. Alessandra looked behind them, she looked like she was holding back a scream. Aiden rolled his eyes and drifted a turn, feeling the full force of the car hit him from behind, just from speed. He looked back at the police whom were at the end of the rode, he sighed and went off the road just after he was out of sight from the police car. The ground was not fit for a sports car due to all the huge rocks.

Aiden then saw that there was a range rover meters away from them; Daniel's range rover. Aiden smirked, looked at Alessandra and got out of the car. Alessandra looked fucking shocked but she followed Aiden when the sound of sirens started to become audible.

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