The War of Darkness: VII

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Alessandra was in a pool of light. Bright starlight spilled through the impossible darkness, it was an odd mix—light and darkness. It was as if evil and good were at war for dominance. She was in blinking light, all different types, from starlight to firelight to neon lights to heavenly lights. Then there was the darkness, it was midnight darkness, then black darkness, then shadows, then the darkness that spreads within someone's mind, cruel and cold. She felt like she was shivering, goose bumps evading in her mind.

She saw a pair of eyes—gray-black eyes, a smooth youthful face, and a tall, lean figure standing in the spreading whiteness. Her mother. Though her mother looked like she might have looked when she was in her late teens or early twenties. Her face was not yet worn from stress, not yet tainted by worry; no wrinkles. Her dark hair spilling like ink onto her snow-pale face. Her eyes showed no mercy, her mother looked like a fallen angel standing in the swirling starlight and shadows. She looked fiercely gorgeous.

Alessandra called out for her but she was gone, and her stone-like eyes were replaced by eyes of fire.

The eyes were beautiful, resembling embers and danger. She felt as if she were staring into fields of melting metal, fire blazing all around it. The light around this face was one from a fire. The figure was slender and tall, muscled limbs—Aiden. His face was just sharp curves now. The fire illuminated half of his face, leaving the other side dark. His profile was awfully fine. The curve of his jaw and cheekbones (she realized she was touching his face) felt hot; burning hot. The fullness of his lips, the arch in his throat, his long, dark eyelashes, shadowing over the hallow of his cheeks were perfect making him so beautiful. She yearned to touch his body, the hard flesh on his stomach, back and arms...but he was gone. Faded into eternal moonlight.

Then she saw her father's eyes—blue and cold, staring at her from afar, his dark hair matted with wet cocaine. Alessandra had seen pictures from when he was younger; when her mother was still alive. His eyes had been much like hers. Blue. Simply blue. There was no definite type of blue, they had often changed shades, but they were simple blue and big in a sharply defined face. Her father's eyes had now dulled, changed into paling white-blue. They were almost silver, with only a sliver of very light blue. They were no longer appealing, more like distinct. He smelled of smoke and alcohol. He was standing in tunnel of arising flames, all his coloring fading into ash...then he was gone....and Alessandra was left alone in the war of light and darkness.


Darkness had won the war. Alessandra was floating in pitch black. She heard voices lifting the flashing swirls of light that were there for only for seconds.

"God," The voice was her mothers. "I told you, Aaron," She sounded as if she had been yelling recently. "I told you not to touch her." Her voice came out as metallic.

Alessandra knew this dream of hers was something she didn't wish to dream of.

Aaron, her father, didn't speak. Alessandra didn't know if he was even there. "James," It was her mother's voice again. "Is she...everyday?"

James, Alessandra presumed, spoke, "Yes, ma'am." James sounded ashamed.

"Maria," It was a female voice this time, not her mothers, it sounded younger. "We have to go."

Then she was out into faded light. Floating again in bewilderment.



This chapter is rather short but there will be more chapters coming very soon. And also I'm having trouble connecting certain things in the story so there will be a break after this event passes.

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