Isabelle Jessamine Smith: Chapter XI

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Aiden had dropped Alessandra off at school when there was only two more minutes of it, so she just walked home. Aiden had gone to bail out Zachariah from jail, or so Zachariah had yelled.

When she arrived home, Dana had urged Alessandra to clean and fix her rib bandage, which she did. Alessandra ate an apple, did her homework that she had missed out on the previous week, and check how much money she received from tutoring people. $743.00. Alessandra was impressed.

She didn't know what store to go to or what place she could get her makeover done, or whatever it was supposed to be called, and she didn't have anyone to call exactly so she decided she was going by herself to shop.

She took her father's car, a Mercedes he probably stole with his 'friends' to the outlet mall. The mall wasn't Alessandra's thing, in fact she had only been three times in her life and she hated all three times, so naturally, she hated the fourth. All the stores were too girly, or too expensive. As she was absent-mindedly through racks of clothes she spotted a familiar tall, curved, raven-haired beauty; Isabelle.

She was by herself which was a relief, but what was odd was when she spotted Alessandra she turned her way and started walking towards her. The old Alessandra would have turned around and hid in the bathroom, but this was the new Alessandra and she would not hide.

"Hi." Isabelle said, her long ebony hair as straight as a pin as it reached her hips.

"Hi." Alessandra furrowed her eyebrows together. Isabelle was wearing one of those trendy outfits, the shirts that were off the shoulder but long-sleeved and the pants that reached the middle of the stomach, but didn't quite reach the bottom of her ankles.

"Look, I just wanted to say I'm sorry on Chloe, Brittany's, and Mia's behave," She sighed as if bracing herself, she was also speaking quite quickly. "and also mine, for treating you the way we treat you. I know what I said at the party wasn't right, and the thing that happened with Jack in the bathroom, I had no intention of happening, and also, the thing in the hallway this morning. You handled it like a badass, by the way, you and Zachariah and Aiden, anyway. I am..." she inhaled. "I'm truly sorry."

Alessandra was shocked, and confused. "Were—Did you just apologize?"

"No I came here to be a bigger bitch." Note the sarcasm.

"I don't know what to say." Alessandra begun.

"Well first, that shirt is so not your color." Isabelle reached for another shirt behind Alessandra. It was a nude-pinkish color, the texture of cashmere, but not exactly cashmere, and it was cropped, it covered her ribs, and the bruises on her stomach were faint, so maybe, just maybe she could pull it off. "And also, if you're going to wear something green pull your hair up—it makes you look like the Grinch if you don't."

Alessandra had an idea, a big idea probably the best idea she'd had all week. "Isabelle,"


"Do you want my forgiveness?"

Isabelle looked down as if ashamed. "Well..." She rolled her eyes and sighed. "If you chose not to forgive me and not be my friend, I have no one, and I mean no friends."

Alessandra was astonished, Isabelle the prettiest girl at school, had no friends. "What about Mia and Brittany and Chloe?"

"They kicked me out of their circle, claimed I was becoming too nice."

"And you don't have any other friends?"

"Are you going to forgive me or not?" Isabelle looked impatient.

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