The Parfait: Chapter V

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Elena!!! Not exactly how I imagine her, but close enough

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Elena!!! Not exactly how I imagine her, but close enough.  This was the biggest pain in the ass to publish. It wouldn't let me publish the first forty million fucking times, so I had to go back and reload, and all this other shit. I was about to throw my fucking computer on the ground....but I didn't!!! I swear.....


Alessandra woke up the next day to the sound of honking outside her house. She immediately jumped out of bed, wincing from her pain on her ribs, and looked outside her window.

She dropped her jaw as Elena and Zach, who looked very reluctant waved from the very beautiful car. M5 BMW, completely black, very expensive.  She could see, even from afar, that the breaks were carbon fiber ceramic.  She was staring in awe at the beautiful sports car. 

"We're taking you to the doctor!" she yelled.

Alessandra was in shock as she yelled shushed them and nodded, not wanting to awake her father. She threw on her jeans and the first shirt she could find, brushed her teeth and strung her hair in a ponytail in a matter of five minutes. She didn't want her father to wake up and start beating her, Elena, and Zach up so she ran downstairs as fast, and quietly as possible.

She ran outside to the car with a perplexed emotion on her face, "What the hell are you doing?" She asked and she noticed Aiden sitting in the driver's seat, with a cigarette in his mouth.

"We're taking you to the doctor, sweet pea." Aiden said in an annoyed tone.

"How many times do I have to tell you, I'm fine!" She yelled. It was probably the fact that she was awoken from her sleep that she as feeling a little bit sassy, for Alessandra at least.

"Until after Zach's uncle fixes you." Elena pushed Alessandra into the car and scooted in after her. Alessandra felt arousing fear prickle in her. What if the doctor found out she was hit with a crow bar, and not jackass Jack? She looked at Elena.

Elena was wearing a cropped cashmere sweater, dark high-waisted shorts and white converse, her hair let down in waves. Alessandra looked at her own outfit, she was wearing a spaghetti strapped, black shirt, that was revealing much of her breasts, she sighed. Why hadn't she looked at the shirt she picked? Why had the one shirt she never wore been at the top of her dresser? Why did she have such bad luck?

"Why do you care?" Again, Alessandra knew it was her lack of sleep that caused these sassy outbursts.

"I don't." Aiden stated, he was texting and driving, which made Alessandra nervous, she really didn't want to say anything, but it was the no sleep that really got to her.

"I'm sorry, but can you please stop texting and driving." She said.

Elena snorted; Zach smirked; Aiden rolled his eyes. "I'm taking you to the doctors—even though I really don't give a fuck for your wellbeing—in my car, so early in the morning, on a Sunday—which, may I remind you parties happen the night before, and hangovers are the effect—and your telling me that I can't do whatever the fuck I want to do?"

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