the vision

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My name is Sam and I have a great life except my girlfriend Molly broke up with me a few days ago anyways me and the company I work with are going on a businesses retreat and I'm kinda nervous about it.


"Oh hey Katrina I'm on a stupid retreat with the office they are retards oh no not you sir bald is the new black sir."


"Peter look at how amazing this bridge is".


"Molly come on"


Candace Candace


Peter help me ahhh ahhh ahhhhhhhhhhh

No Molly peter come on,then we heard screams from inside the bus
Omg Isaac what the fuck Isaac went screaming into the water Molly walked across the beam fine the I heard Oliva screaming because she couldn't see she made it half way across the beam then she fell screaming into the water after she fell a car fell on Oliva and she died Nathan screamed Sam wait for us but he got hit with a cable,a tar truck fell over and burned Dennis skin and he fell and died peter and Alyssa were comming my way peter and me jumped and hung onto the side of the bridge that now was a ladder Alyssa got split in half with a cable,peter got impailed with some beams and died instantly the same thing happened to me and Molly was the only survivor of the My vision.

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