Eva cocked an eye at me and then looked between the two girls.

         "Jasmine, speak." Jasmine sighed and stepped forward.

          "This ... she wolf was throwing herself at MY mate. My wolf didn't like it." she said looking at me not once looking at Quin.

          Quin gasped and looked at Brian.

          "Is that why you shifted?!" Brian screamed half shocked but he couldn't hide the smile that was on his face.

      "Why are you smiling? This is not funny Brian!" she said putting her hands on her hips.

     "You guys found your mates?" Quin said smiling at them.

         Jasmine looked between them and was going to walk out before Brian caught her arm and turned her around.

         He crashed his lips to hers and she basically melted in his arms.

    "Jasmine, this is Q. Q this is my beautiful and overly jealous mate Jasmine."

         Jasmines mouth dropped before looking at Quin.

        "Q as in Q your sister?"

        Brian nodded and she bursted out laughing.

        "OH THANK THE MOON GODESS I thought it was just a random she wolf!"

Jasmine went up to Quin and gave her a big hug to which Quin returned.

             "I'm sorry I attacked you." Jasmine said pulling away looking ashamed but Quin shook her head.

      "It's okay I probably would have done the same if I saw some random girl on my uh-.. mate." Quin said looking at Jordan who just looked away.

         "Micky who is your mate?" she said looking at Michael.

         He looked to his left and Raven stepped forward.

         "Q, this is Raven. Raven I want you to meet my little sister Q." Raven smiled and looked between the three.

       "Wow you guys do somewhat look alike."

    And she wasn't lying. Michael and Brian both had dirty blonde hair with hazel eyes.

           Quin was more of a blonde than a dirty blonde but you could definitely see the resemblance.

           "Did you find your mate?" Brian asked and Quin looked around the room I noticed she got tense.

      "Uh- yea this is Jordan... my mate." We heard a growl but when we looked around the room everyone had a neutral face.

          Jordan stepped forward and extended his hand.  

       "I've heard a lot about you two, but I do have a lot of questions."

           "For that I think we should sit." I said and pointed to the chairs that surrounded the table.

     Everyone took a seat and I took mines at the head of the table.

           "I still can't believe you guys are here." Quin said looking at her brothers who nodded their heads.

        "Yes, Quin said she lost you both."

       Michael sighed and ran a hand through his hair.

       "Well when those rogues attacked Brian and my father and I went to fight. We were all fighting rogues left and right and when we had killed them and returned back to the pack house.... everyone was gone." Raven grabbed his hand and he smiled at her.

The Muted Luna (Sequel to TASW)Where stories live. Discover now