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"Since they are no longer two but one, let no one split apart what God has joined together."
‭‭              Matthew‬ ‭19:6‬
Neveah Washington
"Watch were your going" I looked up to see Arianna mugging me.

She still doesn't like me even after I told her I'm just friends with Nolan and don't want any problems.

"I'm sorry" I continued to walk to my 4th period "I know you are" she yelled out gaining attention from others being extra as usual.

"Oh by the way has your mom came back Nolan told me how she left you for the drug dealer. I think I saw her begging for money this morning." She smirked as everyone stared at me I looked around at all the people watching and walked off as she laughed.

I was hurt why would he tell her something I told him in confidence. I haven't seen my mama in 2 almost 3 weeks. She left while I was at work without a trace of her only reason I know she's still a live is because mr.Sean told me he see's her on the Corner of 3rd street everyday on his way home from work. I wiped my tears before they could be seen and went to class.
Nolan white
"Aye Nola you just missed your girl going off on your other girl" I looked at him confused

"My other girl?who you talking about?" We continued to walk to the cafeteria. 4th period just ended and it was lunch time.

"Arianna embarrassed the fuck out of Neveah she was crying and everything." I looked around

"She was crying? Have you seen her" I looked at the table we usually sit at and didn't see her

"Nah not since then" I nodded and dapped him up "aye I'll see you in little bit imma go look for her" I walked towards here last class.

When I made it there I saw her in the corner reading and writing in her notebook. "You okay"

She looked up at me but didn't say anything. She went back to her writing. "Tell me what she said mama"

" why would you tell her something I told you in private" she started putting her stuff up

"What are you talking about"

"Never mind I need to stop confining in you anyway and learn my place" she grabs her stuff and walks away but I grabbed her arm

"Learn your place veah you know you can always talk to me" she shook her head and left out the door

"Veah" I yelled but she was gone. Fuck man

I walked back to the cafeteria and saw Arianna talking with her little friends. I grabbed her arm "let me talk to you for a minute"she looked up and smiled "hey baby"she leaned her face towards me

"Fuck you do to neveah" I dodged her. She rolled her eyes" so I try to kiss you now and all you can do is talk about another female" she tried to be loud and gain attention

"Leave her alone. you bout to piss me off on some real shit I'm not playing with you."

"I didn't do anything but ask  her a question. She came at me wrong but I bet she won't again."

I stepped closer to her "chill out before me and you have a problem. Next time I hear about you messing with her we done I'm not playing"

I walked out of the cafeteria.

Neveah Washington
I put my head down feeling the familiar pain in my stomach. I knew what this was. My period. I raised my head up and grabbed my backpack and searched. Nothing.

"You good veah" Derek asked. Since me and nolans friendship he and I have become close. "Yeah I'm good" I thought about it I can try to wait til time to go home but then I have to work.

I grabbed my phone and went to a thread I wanted to delete.

Can you get me a pad out your car?.......3:45pm

I put my head down and waited. After a while I felt a tap on my arm. I looked up at Derek and he nodded towards the front of the room.

"Nolan this isn't your hour" Mr.tompson said in confusion

"I know but neveah left this and I wanted to give it back" he said as he held up his sweater

Mr.tompson nodded towards me and continued teaching. Nolan brought his sweater towards me.

"Thank you" I discreetly unraveled it to see Alieve and a pad I put it in my purse and tied his jacket around my waist

"Let me talk to you right quick" I raised my hand

"Ms.washington?" Mr. Tompson asked

"May I go to the restroom" he nodded with an eye roll and continued. Guess I'm getting on his nerves.

I walked out of the classroom with Nolan following close behind. I go into the girls restroom leaving him dumbfounded.

"Neveah I didn't know she was going to do that" I ignored him

"Veah" it got silent for a while I took care of my business and washed my hands. When I was finished I walked out of the restroom "here" he handed me a bottle of water

"This is open" I looked at the half empty water "yea I was thirsty" I shook my head and took two pills out and took them flushing them down with the water.

"So your just not going to talk to me" I stopped and looked at him "why would you tell her that? Huh? Why would you tell her something that I trusted you with?"

" I didn't mean to she was going through our messages one day while she had my phone"

"Okay" I walked away going back towards my class "Don't walk away mad man you know you can talk to me about anything Imma always be there"he grabbed my arm turning me around

"Come on I'll make it up to you" I rolled my eyes " your watching The Notebook with me and buying crawfish and potatoes"

"I don't want to watch that sap ass movie"

"K bye" I tried to leave but he pulled me back

"Fine, anything else"

"Chocolate sounds good kit kat maybe"I put my finger to my lip in a thinking position

"Fine, now got to class" he pushed me and walked away

"Wait how about some brisk teas too"
I love them💙
Sorry it took so long writer block sucks😫

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 06, 2017 ⏰

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