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The man who finds a wife finds a treasure, and he receives favor from the Lord .
Proverbs 18:22
Neveah Washington
"Neveah table 4" my co worker calls to me. I walked over to the table

"Mr.Tom you want the usual" I said to a familiar customer

"Yes ma'am ms.Neveah but make that coke diet my doctor say's I need to cut back" I laughed Mr.Tom was an older man in his 60's with a new health problem every time I see him.

"You know they say I'm might have kidney stones now"

"Oh really well then let me go get your food to make you feel better" I walk to the back to place his order and make his drink

"Here you go" I sit him drink in front of him

I went back behind the counter until someone rings the bell

"Welcome to Marie's what can I get y- oh hey Nolan"

"Hey I hope you don't mind me coming here to look for you" he scratched the back of his neck nervously

"No your fine what's up"

"I'm I was wondering if you wanted to study when you got off I tryed to ask yesterday but I kept getting interupted"

"Yea do you want to just do it here we can eat and work"

"That's fine I have my stuff in the car"

"Okay so were do you want to start" I looked into his brown eyes as confusion took over " I don't even know"

"Okay how do you feel you did on the test today over that video from yesterday" are food was brought to the table he started eating his fries. As I waited

"Oh I failed" he shrugged I giggled

"What I'm serious that video was boring as hell"

"I guess that means we should prepare you for a retake okay this is were we'll start" I bowed my head and started a silent prayer

"Uh Neveah you okay" I lifted my head

"Yea I'm fine I was praying" he held a look of embarrassment

"Oh shit sorry keep going" I laughed

"Would you like to join me"

"Uh I don't know how" I nodded "but can you teach me"he said lowley I smiled and grabbed his hand

"Sure, it's simple no prayer is bad prayer I'll do it this time but next time we eat its on you"he nodded

"Dear heavenly father,
We come to you today to thank for being a great father a protected and provider for being victorious, richous and deserving.We thank you for this food we are about to eat. We just ask that you continue to watch over us, in Jesus name we pray amen."

"Amen" I grabbed my burger and began eating "Okay so let's start"


"Okay uh " I looked around and clenched my eyebrows together. " okay um what's your middle name"

We were taking a break and playing 21 questions. He straight faced me.

"You bet not laugh" I laughed and he mugged me

"Why would I laugh"

"Its basic as hell I hate it" he shrugged

"What is it"

"Messiah"I smiled

"See" he mugged me

"No I'm not laughing I love it. You know in the bible it means Christ"

"Enough about me what's your"


"I like it.......mmm what's your goal in life"

"Hmmm I would have to say going to college and becoming a gynecologist"

" you wanna be in females pussy's all day" I reached across the table and pinched him

"Ow damn why you do that"he mugged me

"Your so volgur I'd prefer vaginas or private area's"

"I'm sorry damn"

"Yes that's what I want to do but not for that reason to be honest I thought all I had to do was deliver babies and give sonagrams. Boy was I wrong they don't even do sonagrams and if I'm gone do it I'm going to have to do it all."

"Oh that makes since ,you a baby person?"

"Yes I love them but what about you what's your goal"

"To become a professional football player with a wife and a lot of kids"

"Why a lot of kids" I was honestly confused usual people of that perfection only want one night how's and cars

"Just something I've always wanted"
He shrugged

"So what's your family like"

"I'm I have a dad who isn't around so i live with just my mom were alright I guess" he said but you could tell there was more I just didn't pry

"Maybe we should stop playing, you ready to study again"

"Uh yea but first can I ask you something"


" what would it take to get you to a friend level you know away from the studying and school"

"I'm just not interested I want to stay focus on my goals in life and I don't want any types of relationships holding me back" he looked down

"I wont be a distraction I just want another friend I want you. I'll do anything" he seemed ashamed to beg I had to laugh as he looked around making sure no one was listening



"Okay do you have a church home"

"Church isn't really my thing right now"

"Cool come to church with me Sunday and we can start this friendship" church is important to me and I don't need another person talking me down about my love of God I get that enough at home from my mama.

"I don't know-"

"Then I don't think we can be friends"

"Your persistent huh"


"Okay I'll go ,for you hope"

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