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  For everyone who asks, receives. Everyone who seeks, finds. And to everyone who knocks, the door will be opened.
                                     Matthew 7:8

             Neveah Washington
I walked to go to the park maybe i can sleep on a bench or the slide. My stomache growled. I havent eaten all day i walked to the nearist corner store. When i walked in i put my abg at the front they didnt allow backpacks in the store becuase of stealing. I went and grabbed some lays bbq chips and a strawberry kiwi snapple i walked back up to the front and got behind this guy in line.

"$1.29" the chashier said i watched the guy reach in his pockets and felt around.

"Shit can you hold it while i go to the car and get my wallet" the cashier nodded the guy hurriedly went to his car.

"I got it add it on to my stuff"i said the cashier nodded

"$4.15" i pulled out the hundred dollar bill from the joe guy and payed the guy came back and then i noticed it was the guy i was supose to tutor.

" preciate you" i nodded and walked out

"Ayye" he ran to me

"Uh hey" i smiled

"Hey were you headed"

"Home" i lied

"Let me give you a ride its not safe out here in these parts"

"Ill be fine thank you"

"Please plus i owe you,you know for the chips"

"Its just chips ill be okay"

"Please just let me protect you" i nodded and followed him to his car.

"Were you stay" he said starting the car

"You can just drop me off at the park i can walk from there" i said softly he chuckled

" you dont want me to know were you live" he looked at me

"No its just a ruff neighbor hood and a car like this dosent belong there" he looked back at the road

"If thats how you feel" he shrugged after that it got quiet until we got to the park

"Thank you" i said opening the door but he grabbed my arm

"Hey im sorry about earlier i didnt mean to come off rude and i was hoping maybe we can try it again" he scratched his head

"Sure just let me know when" i got out of the car but before i could shut the door he spoke.

"How bout tomorrow we can do it at my house"

"Excuse me"i turned to him

"Just studing i'll come get you we study then after ill take you back home the first second you feel uncomfortable ill bring you back home i promise" he raised his hands in surrender

"Uh okay i work tomorrow i get off at 4 you can pick me up from there i work at marie's"

"Im nolan by the way but you can call me nola" he reached his hand out to me

"Neveah but you can call me veah Nolan" i shook his hand

"Bye Neveah"

I shut the door and started walking until he backed out and honked i waved when he left i went over to the bench and layed down. Put my hands together and prayed

" dear heavenly father,
I thank you for loving me i thank you for being so merciful i thank you for shedding the blood for me. I ask that you please watch over my mama in jesus name amen"

"Hi, my name is neaveah would you like to try our lunch special which comes with a meat a side and side salad for $5.44" i asked smiling at the older white man

"Uh what meats can you get with that" he asked looking up at me

"It comes with chicken, porkchops, or fish and you can get them baked or fried" he pulled his mouth to the side thinking

"Let me get the fried chicken and potatoes for the side" he handed me his menu

"To drink" i wrote his order

"Dr.pepper" i nodded andsmild before walking towards the back

" hey i have a chicken lunch special with potatoes" i called out as i made his cup of dr.pepper i grabbed a wrapped straw and walked it over to him

"You food should be out in just a min-" the doorbell went off i saw nolan walk in.

He looked around until he seen me and then headed my way "hey you about ready"  he asked

"Uh yea let me get his food to him and then i can go" he nodded and took a seat in a booth i went to the back to get the man's order before walking back to him.

"Here you go have a nice day and when your all done you can pay at the front." i walked away towards nolan

"You ready" he stood

"Yea,bye ms.marie im leaving now" i took my apron off and grabbed my back pack i walked behind the counter to hang my apron and back towards nolan.

"Ok lets do it" with him following behind me before i could open the door he opened it for me. I gave him a small smile before i continued walking out looking for his car.


"So you mean you've been living in lousiana your whole life and never had crawfish" we sat across from eachother on his bed

"I'm serious i like seafood but the thought of eating something with the head attached bothers me" i brought my pizza to my lips taking a bite. I was starving. But I took little bites so he wouldn't notice.

"Well don't make plans next Friday becuase me and you gone get some."he smiled i have a small smile but went back to a straight face

"Actually i would prefer for this to stay professional"

"What do you mean" he sat up and frowned his face up

"I mean I want every time we meet for it to be about studying" I sat up with him

"But why we can't just hang out as friends are we not friends?" he raised an eyebrow at me

"We are but i would just pefer to keep it about studying please"

"Uh yea If that's what you want then i respect it"he seemed disappointed

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