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"You search the Scriptures because you think they give you eternal life. But the Scriptures point to me!
John 5:39
Nolan white
"I know that's not nola on time I guess coach got that ass together" my homeboy ashlyn said walking towards me.

"Man shut yo ass up" I dapped him up i looked behind him and seen neaveah walking.

"Man when you coming back on the f-" I starred at her

"Uh aye imma get back to you" I ran after her

"Neveah" she kept walking I walked up beside her taking her backpack she jumped but when she knew it was me she took a deep breathe.

"You scared me" she looked up at me with a smile

"My bad how you been" I smiled at her but watched her face go straight at my question

"I'm good how have you been"

"Uh fine I mean my grade isn't up yet so I can't get on the field but we're working on it right"

"Right" she smiled we walked into ms.winter's class

"You wanna study today aft-

"Nola this yo knew hoe" this Nigga Rodney yelled out

"I'll see you around" she grabbed her backpack and walked away to her seat

Fuck man.

"No Nigga damn" he really just pissed me off I took my seat and got my stuff out. Soon the bell ring and ms.white began to talk. But I couldn't focus the whole time I kept looking and neveah.

Why wouldn't she want to be friends with me, I mean imma cool dude right ?

"And what your opinion Nolan" this bitch I looked to see everyone looking at me

"Huh"I asked

"I asked what was you opinion on world war I and you would have known that if you weren't to busy admiring ms.Washington ." neveah looked down as everyone began to look between us

"Further more class face the screen we'll be watching a video and having a test over it tomorrow so I would pay attention "

I shook my head and faced the front. Three boring as classes later I was sitting in the cafeteria in my usual seat. With some other athletes .I really didnt Fuck with to many people so I sat at the end with Derrick and chris.

"So what we getting into tonight" Derrick asked "shit nothing my mama still trippin about that gram she found in the living room"I laughed at Chris ass

"Man how you forget that shit you know how she is"

I looked behind Chris as he was talking watching neveah walk in I starred at her for a while. I watched her sit alone and do some kind of work. She's such a nerd.

"Aye I'll see you later I got some shit to do"I got up dappin them up I walked over to the table she was at and sat down.

"Hey" she looked up and smiled I smirked

"Hey, what are you doing over here"

"I can't come hang with a friend plus I was going to get food and don't want to go by myself"


"Becuase I don't come on" I stood and walked to her side of the table she stood pushing her homework to the side and we walked through the line. Til arianna walked up.

"Hey nola when you gone be back on the field" she said standing infront of me like neveah wasn't even there

"Soon but hey Imma have to talk to you later I'm tryna chill with neveah" I looked to neveah and pulled her with me

"Why"she had a mug on her face I was going to respond until "it's fine I have homework to do I'll talk to you later"

Neveah pulled away and started to walk "veah wait" she was already gone. Why the fuck do people feel the need to interupt us this some bullshit man

I sighed and walked back to the table with the boys not even in the mood to eat no more.

Neveah Washington
After school was over I made my way to the bus stop. I had to go home today ms.Marie wouldn't let me work she says I need a break. So I'm off for the next two days.

I got off the bus and started walking towards the apartment. I got to the stairs and a gang of boys were there smoking.

"Excuse me" I said trying to get past but they didn't budge

"You stay up there" I guy asked he had to be atleast 30

"Yes sir" he smirked

"Mmm yes sir huh" he said with a devious smile

" man leave her alone how old are you sweetheart" the older guy that was blowing smoke

"17"he nodded

"It's not to safe for you to be walking bye yourself,y'all move out her way and stop being thirsty this child ain't nothing but a baby. Go ahead I'm Sean by the way I live in that one" he pointed to an apartment right next to mine I nodded

"Thank you" I walked up the stairs to and went to my apartment the door was cracked I pushed it open and seen the house trashed with clothes,food, and used condom rappers on the floor.

"Mama"I walked to the back towards our rooms "Mama" I walked into her room. Nothing. Maybe she went out for a little bit. I grabbed a broom and started cleaning up.

Kinda sucks gets better next chapter!!

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