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 Control your temper, for anger labels you a fool.
                      Ecclesiastes 7:9

               Neveah Washington

"Bitch what your not about to do is disrespect me in my house if i got a man over you leave, that stack was about to pay for this electricity but fuck it be in the dark" she screamed

i had just got home from my job at the diner down the street "marie's". My mama had one of her 'clients' over and i guess he felt uncomfortable with me here and left.

I walked upstairs to my room changing in to my to big pajama pants and white shirt. I walked around are small two bedroom apartment and into the kitchen i took out the bread and ham lunchmeat to make a sandwhich.

After i made my sandwhich i cleaned my mess and walked back to my room biting into it i took another bite and another becuase of how hungry i was.

"Stuffing your face again, you just like being ugly dont you. If its one thing you got from that no good daddy of your its that uglyness see you aint get that from yo mama" i put my head down and walk to my room before she snatches me back

"Girl i know you here me talking to you, you better respond" her long red nails digging in my arm

"Yes ma'am"i stutter

"Now get yo little fast ass to your room"

Walking into my room i pushed back my tears and through the last of my sandwich away. I got into my bed and prayed before i fell asleep.

I woke up from my alarm clock shielding the sun from my eyes. I got out the bed going to my closet. I pulled out a pair of jeans and a black shirt. After brushing my teeth and putting my hair into a ponytail i got dressed and went to find my shoes. I looked at the two pair of shoes i have an old run down pair of vans and a pair of sandels that are ripping at the front . I grabbed the sandles and ran outside to the bus.

I made it there just in time stepping on the steps onto the bus i walked to the back were i saw an empty seat.

I looked around the bus there was the usaul girls at the front who gossiped and talked about who 'aint gone hit them' then there was the boys at the back who talked about what girl they had in there bed last night. I turned my head to look out the window for the rest of the ride.

                      Nolan white

"Aye nola pass that shit" i passed the blunt over to Derek and focused back on the road. I looked over at the time.8:46

"Shit,man we late finna have ms.winter bitchin and shit"  i speed up

"Man fuck her im failing her class with a 44 coach not gone let me play with that"he said hitting the blunt

"You? Man i got a 50 in that class. If i dont pass i cant play we know the team needs me i gotta pass." I parked my truck into the school parking lot and grabbed my backpack out the back. I looked and derek was still sitting down smoking

"Im finna go ill see you around blood" he nodded and i headed to class

           Neveah Washington

"Good to see you decided to join us mr.white" ms.winter said sarcastically i rolled my eyes as he sat down. He was one of those people who didnt do work and blame it on the teacher when they fail type of person

"I told you call me nola ms.winter" he took his seat at the front.

"To me you are Nolan white. Now for those of you who need tutoring were starting a program in the library after school. For those who want to tutor you can take a test in the library as well. It would look good on a college record and pays not much but it pays. Now open you history books to page 45."

After three more classes it was lunch time. I walked in and sat in my usual seat by myself. I couldnt afford lunch her so i just sat there and did my homework since i wont have time later.

Being a senior i had pre-calculus i was doing my homework until i felt something hit the top of my head. I looked up to see a red paper balled up i looked around for who thrown it but saw nobody. Unfolding the paper i saw it was a flyer for tutoring. It let me know that the test for tutor's will be held after school.

I sat the paper down and continued doing my homework with the way my life is set up i had no time to tutor somebody i would love to, to help out but i didnt have time. My stomache growled guess i should have finished the sandwich last night i looked up from my homework and slid my hand in my pocket for the money i had. I pulled out a dollar and a nickle. I signed and put my head down i need that for bus fair.

Maybe i will take that tutoring job

Nolan white

"White get over here" my coach yelled i jogged over to him

"Your off the field"he said the walked away

"Wait what" i grabbed his arm

"I dont have dumbasses for players those grades not cutting it your done"
He yelled

"No wait ill do better i promise it my teachers they dont like me" i pleaded to him only for him to shake his head

"Im not playing with you until your grades are up to par your off my team i suggest you get some tutoring"he walked away leaving me looking stupid

Im not getting no fuckin tutoring all i gotta do is call a hoe up

To arianna
You busy????


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