3. That's what she wants.... Abhigya os

Bắt đầu từ đầu

It's an eternal bonding of two hearts, to stay together, till their whole life... I know it's no use, to tell you all this...

Sorry for all the troubles I have given to you, all these years... Thanks for bearing with me..

Live happily with your files, mobiles, laptop, meetings, business deals, new ventures, whatever you wish....

I'm leaving you, forever....

Stay happy and god bless you, with all happiness....

Send me divorce notice soon... I will sign it and free you, from the relationship you hate the most...

Last thing....

" I loved you , I love you now and will love you forever , Abhi...."

The video ends....


Abhi is crying vigorously and is keep on seeing the video again and again... He understands what mistake he has committed and how much he has hurtes her unknowingly....

Abhi's pov..:

What have you done Pragya??? Why you have decided to leave me???? Don't you know, how much I love you...

Who said ours is an arranged marriage???? Ours is a purely love marriage... I have seen you many a times, before marriage....

I fell for your charms, chirpy attitude, friendly gestures, polite nature, loving behaviour and childish antics and a lot more to say....

I made up in such a way that our marriage should look like an arranged marriage... I'm not avoiding you or forgotten you, my love... I love you so much Pragya... Please, come back to me...

You are my soul.... You are my life.... You are my breath.... You are my reason to live...You are my everything...

I'm working this much hard to bring the world under your feet and to give you all happiness, you deserves... I being a fool is chasing money, to make you to enjoy all the richness...

I thought getting rich will make you happy.... But I was completely wrong... I'm a fool and lately understands what you want... You need only me and not any of these monetary wealth...

I'm coming for you, Pragya.... I will surely win you back... I swear my dear love, I will give you what you want and desires....

Abhi knew where his wife would have gone... Not wasting much time, he immediately took a flight and moves to where pragya will be...


Abhi is impatiently standing infront of his inlaws house... He rings the calling bell continuously and prays hardly that only Pragya should open the door and no one should be in the house...

The door clicks opens... The sight before him makes his heart to bleed in pain... He saw his wife, his love, his soulmate Pragya, standing in front of him, lifelessly....

However, he is determined to win her back and to give her, what she desires... He is ready to fall on her feet and beg for her mercy too...


Pragya could not believe her eyes.... She rubs her eyes quickly and unbelievably looking at Abhi, who is standing in front of her... She stares at him angrily and kinds of awful words, lined up in her mouth....

Crazy's -Random short stories Of Abhigya (OS Collections)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ