Chapter 8

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Dedicated to @QuillAsh for motivating me to write. :)


''I'm gonna drop Ryan home and then take you home," Evan informs me, as we step out of the diner. The lunch had been great. Partly because of Evan and partly because the food was so good. I should come here often. Can't go to Pizza Hut now since a certain someone ruined it for me.

''You can't drop me home. I'm your bodyguard," Ryan says indignantly. Oh God. Here he goes again. I put my fingers in my ears, ''La la la la."

Ryan gives me a weird look. ''Very mature, Arya, very mature.''

"Look who's talking," I retort. Ryan rolls his eyes and goes to walk to the shotgun but I beat him to it.

''That's my seat. I'm his bodyguard,'' he whines.

''Don't you think you play that card a little too much?'' Evan points out, unlocking the car.

''I don't know what you're talking about,'' Ryan says, getting in the backseat instead. I smile to myself. The victory is mine.

"Sure you don't.''

Evan and I get in the car. It feels nice to sit this close to him even though it's not that close. I never would have thought that I would be friends with Evan. And on the whole, Evan is an amazing person. I thought most celebrities would be arrogant and rude but he's not one of those. 

 "I refuse to be dropped home," Ryan says, crossing his arms over his chest.

"Let me spend some time alone with Arya!" Evan reasons. I'm not complaining. It would be nice to have a conversation with Evan without Ryan making a sarcastic remark every two seconds.

"Fine, but don't blame me if someone shoots you or something," Ryan says, finally relenting. I share an amused look with Evan at Ryan's antics.

Evan drops Ryan home and I'm left alone in the car with him. I feel kind of nervous but mask it with a smile and use this opportunity to know more about him. 

"So, do you have a girlfriend?" He knows about my ex-boyfriend so it's only fair, right? And this is probably the only chance I'll get of asking him this because Ryan's always with him and then he would just go on and on about how I like Evan. He wouldn't give it a rest.

"Um, no. I used to have one but she was all clingy and used to get mad about me not spending enough time with her. Like, I was filming my show so how was I supposed to do that?" Evan says bitterly.

"Wow, she sounds like someone who is super insecure." On second note, I probably shouldn't pass judgement on her. "Sorry," I apologize sheepishly.

"No, it's okay. She just didn't understand that, no matter how many times I tried to make her understand. I spent most of my free time with her instead of my family and yet she still complained. Finally, I had had enough of her shit so I dumped her," Evan finishes, looking over at me to check my expression. 

"That sucks. I don't know why some people are like that. Maybe she had some major insecurities but she shouldn't have taken it out on you," I say, sympathizing with him.

"Yeah, maybe. Good riddance though," he says. I decide to change the topic so he wouldn't think about her anymore.

"Do you like our school?" I ask. Heck, even I didn't like my school but just for the sake of conversation I asked that.

"Yeah, it's nice. But I'm really tired of all the attention I've been getting," Evan answers. Hah, nice? In my dreams.

"Really? I thought you would've liked it," I say, a little surprised. I actually sort of get it though. He probably can't go anywhere without people treating him like a celebrity.

"Not at all. I mean, it's nice to know that I have lots of fans but sometimes it gets tiring. Sometimes I just want people to treat me like a normal person." He sighs.

''I understand. Don't worry, people will get used to having you around in a few days and then won't bother you anymore," I tell him, hoping that what I'm saying would come true.

''I hope so."

''So...can you tell me what happens next in the show?'' I joke. They left the last season at a cliffhanger and I was gonna die from curiosity if I didn't find out soon.

''Only if you want me to get fired from the show,'' Evan laughs.

''If you did, I wouldn't watch it anymore.'' The reason I started watching it was Evan.

''That invested in the show, huh?'' He chuckles.

''Yep,'' I say, seriously.

He laughs and then the rest of the drive is spent in a comfortable silence. We reach my home and I'm about to get out but I pause. I forgot to ask him one thing I really wanted to know the answer to.

I turn to him and ask. ''How come you chose me to be your friend?'' After the question is out of my mouth do I realize how weird it sounds and I mentally cringe.

''Well, your first reaction at seeing me was pretty epic. Even after you woke up after fainting, you didn't ask for an autograph or a selfie like any other person would have done. You acted so chill and actually treated me like a normal person. Well, except the whole fainting fiasco. That's when I realized I wanted to be your friend,'' Evan says, smiling at me.

So that's what friend zone feels like. It's not a very good feeling but hey, being a friend is better than nothing.

''Thanks, I feel honoured,'' I smile back at him.

''I'll see you later. Oh, by the way, tell Leo that I'll join his group,'' Evan says. Before I can ask him what he means, he drives away.

''Leo!'' I shout, entering the house. I walk into the living room and see him sprawled out on the couch, watching tv.

''What the hell did you say to Evan?'' I ask him. He looks at me with a blank expression.

''I just asked him to be my friend.''

''What are you, 8?" I scoff. He sticks his tongue out at me.

''You're just jealous,'' he says.

''Why would I be jealous?'' I ask him.

''Because you like him and don't want to share him with anyone else,'' he states.

''Done with your bullshit profound conclusions?'' Yet as I say that, I know what he's saying is true. I do like Evan. The only question is what am I going do about it?

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