iii. conspiracy theories

Start from the beginning

What if something happened?

obviously something happened.

Cain, please. I mean something bad.

I pause, glancing up from my phone and out the window at the cloudy fall day, biting my thumb.

im sure that nothing bad would have happened to her. maybe she just had like a family emergency and forget her phone at home or something

Yeah, but what if?

dude don't worry so much

Do you think I should file a missing persons report?

maybe idk. wait another day or so tho. if she's not at school tmw and u still havent heard from her, do it

Okay. I think I'll see if the school heard anything from her first, though.

good plan good plan

So, anyways. Have you had anymore supernatural encounters?

unless u count cerberus viciously attacking me bc i sat on one of his toys last night as a supernatural encounter, no

Oh, Cerberus. Are you okay?

traumitized? yes. harmed? only emotionally.

That's good. So what do you think it was?

i think voldemort might have been reincarnated into the body of a two-pound dog

No, you idiot. I meant the supernatural encounter.

would that make me harry potter


i need to find myself a malfoy yanno bc like yum


oh right sorry. i honestly have no idea. i think we came to the conclusion that atlas and i were both heavily under the influence and are gonna leave it at that.


I reply with the shrugging emoticon.

Haha. That's not an answer.

i don't have one. i kind of want to go back to the woods to try to find it again

You should go. But not by yourself.

who should i go with tho? meredith is MIA. ur busy always. atlas would kill me if i tried to drag him back out there. should i go w rachel? or perhaps cerberus, my fearless guard dog? he's literally a pedigree RAT i dont get y ppl think yorkies r cute he's a DEMON

Wait until tomorrow, I can go with you after school.

Yeah, I think. Not happening.

ok im gonna go walk the demon i'll talk to ya later

I turn my phone off and slide it into my pocket as I stand up. "Rach, I'm gonna take a walk, all right?"

Rachel looks up from her homework for long enough to salute me. "Aye aye, captain."

I respond with a nod and a salute before turning on my heels and bounding down the stairs.

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