Chapter 6: Chaos in the Imperial Capital

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"What?!" Everyone looked at the newly arrived Eunuch.

"Act rationale, and report clearly." The Emperor said this, although he tried his best to hide his anger, his knotted brows just revealed it all.

"This one was assigned to guide the Prime Minister inside the Palace. This one had been on the Palace gates awaiting the Prime Minister to arrive, as he had arrived everything was normal, until this one had guided the Prime Minister, this one had not even left the Palace gates when some shady man garbed in black arrived and took the prime minister, it happened too fast! Even the Prime Minister;s Personal Guard could not react in time!" The Eunuch said in a breath, after this he started catching up his breath.

The Emperor's face turned scarily dark, the atmoshpere on the room turned stern and no one dared to talk rashly anymore.

"Mobalise Our Dark Dragon Force to thorougly investigate this matter. That is all." The Emperor waved his hand and left the court.

The Ministers aso left one by one, as to maneveur their own plans.

Luna was just above the Lissen Empire as she watched the situation unfold, at first she was laughing at the method of Meng Li Ye's and his fellow martial brothers used, but seeing that the Empire meathod, Luna quickly lose all her interest on watching the chaos she created.


"Ah, there really is nothing better to do, and here I was planning on taking that Kid, Azi, as my disciple." Luna said as she flew aimlessly.

Luna had checked upon the previous kid she saw on her first day on this world. The kid who looked like Umme, belonged to the Guo Clan as one of the three geniuses and had the right inherit the Clan Head position, when Luna checked upon them, the whole Clan was on the meeting, with her Manor being their topic.

"We have all gathered here to discuss of the recent news that our scouts have discovered from the Death Forest." The Clan Master started.

"It is said they have seen a Huge Levetating Manor on the very middle of the Death Forest, although it had been surreal, several of our scouts have come into an agreement that the described Manor is the same, The Manor was shrouded in Black as if it was not omnious enough that it appeared on the Death Forest."

And so they have decided to check upon that rumored Manor of hers, of course they wouldn't find a thing on the Death Forest right now, since Luna carries that Manor within her very own spatial bag.


"Oh, there was also that kid, Fuona was it? What Clan did she belong to, again?" Luna stopped mid-air then proceed to widen her range of observation using her Mana.

"Oho!" I could clearly see the transpiring events below. This situation is a lot more interesting than Meng Li Ye's method, or even than that Fuona.

Inside the Prime Minister's Manor, Xin Family's Third Daughter's Residence.

The Xin family's third daughter was birthed from a foot-bath maid, the maid supposedly seduced the Prime Minister, and since this foot-bat maid had quite some looks the Prime Minister just succumed on his pleasure, which resulted as the Third daughter. Unfortunately, the foot-bath maid died after she gave birth to Xin Mei Shu, the third daughter.

The third daughter, is like peas in pods with the prime-minister which is why she was greatly favored by the Prime Minister, even ordering the Main Wife to adopt the third daughter.

Although the main did as what she was told to do so, all of the gifts and things that was given to the third daughter were always confiscated by her, always scolding the third daughter and sometimes even hitting her, always telling her that if dared to tell anything to the Prime Minister she will get no food or beating, of course the naive and young Shu Mei just submissively nod her head.

In short the third daughter was submissive and extremely easy to bully, that was why when the Prime Minister is gone, she becomes the outlet of everyone's anger.

Right now, the Xin Family's 4th daughter Xin Ren Wan, is currently letting out all of her frustations towards Xin Shu Mei.


"What are you looking at, huh?! If you just hadn't head out, and spread out your bad luck. His Highness, the 6th Prince might have stayed for a bit longer!" Ren Wan continued to kick and slap Shu Mei, until she lost consciousness.

A/n: Completely unrelated things blamed at her, yo; calm down.

*huff* *huff*

After letting out her anger, Ren Wan coldly looked at Shu Mei.

'Although this trash is useless, Father still loves her, and I absolutely can't have her dying, when I'm the only one who visited her residence.'

Ren Wan tossed over some pills before leaving. As soon as she left, Shu Mei's maid, who was also beaten up ran inside the room, with her face swelling from here and there, and traces of bruise after bruise, while her snot and tears were already mized.

She sobbed beside Shu Mei, as she tremblengly fed Shu Mei the pills.

"Y-young Miss... You can't be like this... Please stop joking around, this isn't funny." The maid shook Shu Mei's body several times, but Shu Mei's cold body did not even budge.

When Ren Wan left the room, that was already when Shu Mei breathed her last, some measely medicinal pills can't bring back dead to life.


Just above this very household, was Luna, who is gleefully watching the transpiring events below.

A weak, submissive, always bullied younger sister. With an extremely loyal maid by her side. If my doubt is true then this is really something worth watching!

I waited for the new host to arrive. After almost a whole hour, Shu Mei's body twitched, as she suddenly sat up, her eyes burning with deep hatred.


A/n: Phantomhive17's corner.

Hey guys, here's the current Cultivation ranks, I still haven't decided if I'll really use this though, I just used them for the moment since they sound more Xianxia-like, rofl. I may change this sometime soon, since this Novel doesn't really have a serious plot or anything.

Body Tempering (1-5) stages

Qi Cultivation (1-9) stages

Foundation Establishment (1-3) stages

Nascent Soul (1-3) stages


From RPG-like World to a Xianxia World.Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя