"Hey Carlos" I said without looking up

"How'd you know it was me?"

"No one else would walk in here besides Jay and he was talking with the tourney coach earlier" I said shading in the castle

"Fair enough" He said taking a seat next to me "Thats a good drawing of the castle, May"

"Oh uh- Thanks" I flushed a little. I draw ALL the time, but its always awkward for me to talk about.

We sat in silence for about 3 minutes until Jay busted through the door "And there he is" I said to Carlos who chuckled a bit

"YO-HO-HO!" He shouted as he entered the door showing off his new tourney jersey 

Carlos chuckled the wolf whistled at him, causing him to show off his guns 'Thunder and Lightening' who names their muscles?

"Did your plan work with Jane? Are you going over to see the wand?" He asked leaning on Mal's bed

"Oh so thats what she was doing in here" I said mostly to myself

"Do you think that I would be going through every single spell in this book if I hadn't completely struck out?!" Mal snapped clearly under a lot of stress

"Oh, someones in a bad mood" Carlos said sarcastically from beside me

I chuckled lightly and slapped his arm while Mal smacked the back of his head

"My mom's counting on me!" She defended "I can't let her down!"

"We can do this!-" Jay said causing me to drop my sketch pad. Jay just said we as if we were a team. Jay's never a team player. Ugh! This place is changing us! "-If we stick together.."

Mal was the first to recover from the shock and said "And we won't go back until we do. Cause were rotten-"

"-To the core" We all finished together a little glumly 

"Oh yeah!" Evie said breaking the ice "I found out that, Fairy Godmother blesses Ben at the coronation and we all get to go" She just blurted it out as if saying 'I'm heading to the bathroom' or 'can you pass me that pencil?' "I have nothing to wear, of course"

We all just stared at her, shock written on our foreheads. We were pulled out of our thoughts by a knock on the door.

"Hold that thought" Mal said as she jumped off the bed to go answer the door

She pulled it open to reveal the one and only, Ben. I've seen enough of this kid for a lifetime

"Hey Mal. I didn't see you guys today, I was just wondering if you had any questions or if you...needed anything...at all" He said kinda awkwardly

"Um-not that I know of. Guys?" She asked turning back to face us

I took this as my chance and hopped up beside her "Ben hey! So uh- is it true that we all get to go to your coronation?"

"Ya the whole school goes" He said smiling, AGAIN.

"Wow, that is beyond exciting" Mal said catching on "Do you think that the five of us could stand in the front row just to uh-, soak up all that goodness?"

Ben's face fell. Huh, first time I've ever seen him frown "I wish you could" He breathed out "Up front its just me, my folks, and my girlfriend"

Wait. Girlfriend? Hmm...

"Girlfriend?" I repeated with an eyebrow raised

"Uh yeah-"

"Ok thanks byeeee" Mal said closing the door in his face and cutting him off of whatever else he was gonna say

We turned around to face the rest of the gang smirking.  "I think its time that Benny-Boo, got himself a new girlfriend" Mal said

"Spell book" She said pointing at Carlos

He reached up on the bed and flung it at her. She caught it with a laugh "Kitchen, tonight, 11:30. Don't be late"

Then she sat down on her bed and continued to go through spells. I was about to sit back down in my spot at the base of her bed until Carlos said "Hey uh- May, wanna take a walk?"

I smiled at him "Sure"

We left the room and half way down the hall I could still here the snickers from our friends. We headed outside in a comfortable silence. We were walking until we got to the rose garden and I groaned.

"You ok?" He chuckled a bit

"Fine. But look" I said pointing at the garden

Lined from wall to wall, were pure, creamy, white roses. I cringed just looking at them.

"So this is the famous white rose garden" He said raising his eyebrows "You do know its supposed to be in honor of your mom right?"

"No, its supposed to keep her away" I said sticking out my lower lip a tad. I turned to face him with a sigh and said "Besides it's not like were on the best terms right now anyway"

We started to walk mindlessly through the garden until we found a bench to sit down on. "Have you told Mal and Evie about what happened yet?" He asked concern edging his voice

"No" I sighed out and ran a hand through my hair

"You know your gonna have to tell them sometime or another, right?" He asked taking my hand in his

My stomach erupted in butterflies. I tried to fight down a blush the best I could, but knew I failed when I saw him smirking from the corner of my eye. That only made me flush worse. Ugh whats this boy doing to me?!

"Yeah, I know.."

I rested my head on his shoulder and sighed in content. We just sat like that for who knows how long, until I started to feel my eyelids start to droop. I yawned and Carlos took notice.

"Come on, its almost time to go meet the guys anyways. Why don't you head back to your dorm." 

I nodded to tired to argue and slowly stood up. I looked back down at him with puppy dog eyes hoping he would know what I wanted.

He chuckled and I knew he got it, he's not an idiot ya know. Well most of the time.

He stood up and lazily threw his arm around my shoulders as we started to head to the kitchen to meet the rest of the gang.

I really hope Mal found a STRONG love potion, cause that Audrey has, gots to go!

Thanks so much for reading! And I'm super sorry its taken me a while to update this :( I'll try harder to get new one's up

This didn't have quite as much fluff as others but there was a little Jane conflict in there. So watch out for that in future chapters!

OH! ITS exactly 10:00 right now! I just thought that was cool XD

OK I'm a dork!


-TOL <3

Maya Heart {Carlos De Vil}Where stories live. Discover now