Riding Solo

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AN: *male voice* Welcome ladies and gentlemen, boys and girls. Rising swiftly after her "Bringing Her Home." fame. Author Baylie Brianna (LoveTheGirlWhoDreams) releases a new story to read and love. Based off Eric Kripke's amazing TV show "Supernatural." comes this fanfiction about the Winchester brothers and their hunts and a young girl they meet along the way.
Okay creepy voice from the sky, I am flattered, but I'm not that good of an author, and really this is just another Supernatural fanfiction, nothing special.
*male voice* But you are a good author Baylie!
Wyatt, is that you?
*pause* Yeah..
You dork!

On a side note- Welcome to "Scars" my brand spanking new story, a Supernatural Fanfiction. I'm sorry if sometimes the characters are a little OOC :/ Also, I only own Lia and her story, and Jeff. Everyone else is a character in the series!


"Hey, this is Jeff Harkinson, you have reached my voicemail, shoot me a messege and I will answer when I can."

Hearing this Lia Bridgestone slams her phone down on the table, her phone smeared with ruby red blood.

"Damn it Jeff, I trusted you." She says with bated breath, placing a hand over her wound, she assess that it isn't so bad, if not for the seemingly gallons of blood dampening her shirt. Okay, maybe she was exaggerating, and in her line of work, if you could call it that, she had seen worse wounds, on her, and her "clients"

She slowly makes her way off of the floor, her abdomen burning as she does so.

"Just a little scratch," She mumbles. "just a little scratch."

She looks over the scene, and other than her own blood, she looks satisfied. The spray paint demon trap had worked, and probably had saved her ass. Picking up her silver blade from the floor, she wipes it clean on her shirt.

"Well my work here is done." She says outloud to nobody.

Wincing a little in pain, she walks outside after cleaning up the old cabin. Thankfully her motorcycle was parked close, or else she would have probably died right there on the slick, muddy ground. Most hunters had a car, a place they could sleep, if there was no motel, but Lia was different, she loved her 1986 Harley, it was a gift from Jeff, and she had it modeled to resemble Captain America's even including his shield emblem right on the side.

Tying back her dark brown hair, she opens up a saddle bag, and pulls out a first aid kit. Cleaning her wound, and putting bandages on it, was her only method at this moment, but the sooner she got to Jeff's the better off she would be, so she hurries through the process.

After bandaging herself up, Lia closes the bag and hops on the bike, her brown cowboy boots, soaked in mud, find the pegs on either side. Her jeans and brown leather jacket, were dirtier however with the blood, and dried sweat from her hunt.

Starting up the engine, and flipping the kickstand up wih her right foot, she revs the engine twice, and carefully walks the motorcycle through the muddiest part, and then takes off like a bottle rocket, mud slinging through the air, she smiles. Yes, she loved this motorcycle.

Lia rides away into the night, heading out on the five hour journey to Jeff's. Though she can not hear it over the wind whistling by her ears, her cell phone rings.

"Hey this is Lia, friends you know what to do, anyone else hang up now."

Jeff's husky voice answers the beep. "Hey Lia, it's Jeff. Call me as soon as you get this, we have a lead, and I'm getting you some partners, I hate you going out alone. Anyways, see you soon. Love you. Bye."

Scars (A Supernatural Fanfiction)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon