Chapter 8 - Choosing the right path

Start from the beginning

The Pill had been detrimental to the city. The people who didn't die from overdose were delirious and out of it most of the time, their only drive to get more of the drug that did this to them. The Pill was so addictive in fact that even supers, the pillars of societies around the globe, could easily fall to it. There had always been a rumor of a whisper about April's sister and the drug. She did, after all, go to Iris City around the time of X's downfall.

But her parents wouldn't cast off her sister just because she fell to something against her control. No matter how horribly they sometimes treated April, she knew they would never purposely ignore their favorite daughter. She was a super after all.

"Just because you grew up there didn't mean you couldn't make a better name for yourself."

X straight up laughed out loud. "Oh, please. You only say that because you grew up in Kingdom Hills. You're fed this pretty little lie that you're going somewhere in life because you worked for it, not because your parents had money and were able to give you opportunities. The kids from the bad parts of town never got the same chances as you. Your parents will tell you that it's all an even race, but even if the distances were the same, people like me were weighed down by handcuffs and an impossible obstacle course. Because there are occasional lucky kids who make it out of that hellhole, people like you feel justified in their belief that we all could've made it out if we had truly wanted to."

The truth was, April didn't want to believe it. Everyone everywhere knew deep down the special treatment rich kids got over poor ones, even if they didn't want to admit it. If one person from the projects and one from Beverly Hills both had the same amount of talent, which one would make it big? Sometimes opportunities meant everything.

Maybe if X had grown up in a family like hers full of prominent supers he would've turned out different. But, he hadn't.

"Maybe you're more like the rest of your family than I thought you were."

April felt that insult in her heart, but before she could retort, Agent Argent opened the door to the room. She never barged in during their sessions, so April knew that something must've been up.

"I'm in the middle of a session."

Argent nodded. "I know, but something has happened."

April took one last look at X before following Argent out in the hallway. A million bad scenarios were making their way through her mind.

When the door closed, Argent turned to April with a grim expression. "Your sister, Diana, is hurt. Some villain in Iris City got the better of her."

"I need to go there right away, Iris City is only like an hour away."

Argent stopped April from turning to leave, "She's not there anymore, your parents had her transported back to Kingdom City."

April's heart fell. If she wanted to make sure her sister was alright, she'd have to go back to Kingdom City. She'd have to face everyone she was trying so hard to forget.

"Um, okay. I'll just head back to my hotel and get my stuff together." April responded, tucking a hair behind her ear.

April barely remembered the ride on the ferry to the mainland. She was too lost in her thoughts to register what was going on around her. She hadn't been letting herself think about her family, or at least she'd been trying not to, for months. She had stopped answering Brandon's texts and wouldn't voluntarily look him up on the SNN.

She found she couldn't remember what their last conversation had been about. When had April stopped completely caring about him? She had always been annoyed by his constant need to be a hero to her, but she knew it wasn't his fault he was like that.

Villains wear Masks *sequel to Heroes Wear CapesWhere stories live. Discover now