Chapter 2 - White lies can be deadly

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"You can train. You can lift that stupid bar until your head explodes, but you'll never be as fast as I am."

~ Barry Allen (The Flash)

Trevor Rossi had been the CEO of Rossi Corp for three months now and the people of the business world had started to actually take him seriously for once. He was as intimidating as his father had once been on the surface.

But Trevor wasn't letting anyone see what was circling underneath.

The super Momentum had become a bigger deal in Kingdom City than he had ever wanted. He was becoming a household name. If Trevor found a way to make Momentum 'disappear,' it wouldn't be as discrete as he would've hoped in the beginning of his search for his father's killer. A month ago the scientific wing of Rossi Corp had officially confirmed that the red jacket in the security camera footage from the hospital from his dad's corridor was the same Momentum was seen wearing in his first week as a superhero. There were a few small stains and tears that gave it away.

And for those three months since his father's death, Trevor had been investigating away. Ian Thompson was the head of the scientific research branch now, which was basically just a cover name for the branch he had dedicated to supers. He had them tasked to find out everything about every super in Kingdom City, even the ones who weren't playing dress up.

Back before his father's untimely death, the department had only one lead to their name, the identities of the two most annoying supers in the city. White Knight and Black Knight weren't exactly hard to figure out though. The public loved their little act and wouldn't actively try and figure their identities out, even when the clues were so blatantly lined up in front of them

Black Knight was the son of Doctor Destruction. If you actually listened to the conversations that went on between the Knights during fights, it wasn't that hard to guess. Doctor Destruction had business deals with Rossi Corp in the past, so Paul Rossi had easily found out his name before, Lex McPhail. Black Knight was Anakin McPhail.

(There was so much wrong with their names that it would've astounded Trevor if the family of villains had ever been anything but just that.)

White Knight they only found out a couple of months before Paul's death. They had been going under the assumption that he was the son of Captain Fantastic, but had been getting nowhere with that assumption. It was only once they tried to connect the hero to his damsel, April Watson, in his real life that they were able to discover his secret. Brandon Charleston, a neighbor to April Watson who worked as a newspaper editor during the day.

It was really quite cliché.

In researching April Watson further, the information was bleak. Her parents seemed bland and boring, almost too much so. It was like they had no presence on the city's radar at all. They didn't seem to have real jobs and looked to be sitting on a lot more money than they should've owned.

The fact that the Watson family was so clean was what intrigued Trevor. He had a stinking suspicion that the family was somehow involved in the superhero world more than just by their daughter, the damsel, but Ian said that the lead was false.

And Ian had never lied to him.

But, since Trevor had control of his father's assets, he'd been using them a lot more to the advantage of superhero research than his dad had been. His father had only ever scratched the surface of what they could do, only portraying curiosity on the subject. Buying the crates of PF-08-02 that eventually lead to his death must have been another shot in the dark to discover things about the supers.

Villains wear Masks *sequel to Heroes Wear CapesHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin