Chapter 3 - Going through the motions

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"So, we're stuck on the most dangerous planet in the galaxy, we don't have our powers, and you're optimistic how?"

~ Mike Mathews (Mon-El)

Celeste Moctezuma was having the time of her life.

Of course, that wasn't the response of most people when they were faced with a raging wall of fire, but, then again, Celeste Moctezuma wasn't most people.

Celeste also doubled as Artic Frost, the infamous nemesis to Wild Fire. They were polar opposites, and they absolutely hated each other.

"Come on, Blaze. Is that really all you got?" she taunted, rolling as a spare fireball was launched her way over the wall of fire that separated her from her arch enemy.

The blaze got even larger in response to her nagging.

"Come on, Frosty. Aren't you going to fight back?" he taunted in response, shooting more fire in her direction.

Celeste smirked. The hero really overestimated his own powers.

A sudden cloud of frost descended on the floor of the warehouse they were fighting in. The wall of fire sputtered out in the cold frosty air, giving Celeste a good view of the red-clad hero who she fought on a weekly basis. She also clearly saw the giant blackened hole in the wall where Wild Fire had blasted in to the warehouse.

Before he had so rudely interrupted her, she had been trying to rob Mr. Schow of the Schow Corporation of a very pretty Victorian era painting that he'd bought off of an illegal trade dealer. The necklace she'd robbed from his wife three months ago got her a lot of money, and this steal was going to do the same for her. She would sell the painting back to the British museum it was originally stolen from, giving herself a big payday and keeping something priceless out of the hands of a money hungry CEO.

Or, well, that had been the plan until Wild Fire sabotaged her jump.

Mr. Schow, his bodyguards, and the precious painting were currently cowering in the Schow Corporation private jet, away from the two fighting supers.

And, even though her plan was being foiled, Celeste was happy. She was in her element.

"Looks like your fire's don't burn as bright as you think, Hothead." Celeste smirked, popping her hip. "You can give up now and let me take my prize."

Wild Fire clenched his fists and they erupted in flames. "You know I can't do that, Elsa."

"You're all talk and no game."

The fire got arguably higher in Wild Fire's hands. "You really want to place that bet, Ice Queen?"

Celeste paused for a moment. "I actually like that nickname. It's quite fitting."

Wild Fire stood straighter. "Oh, thanks. I spent some time thinking of that one."

She smiled slyly. "And Queens don't bow down to peasants."

"I'm not a-"

The hero was silenced with a gust of icy wind, hitting him straight in the gut. Celeste kept the ice air circulating over Wild Fire as he struggled on the ground. She slowly glided over towards him, watching gleefully as he writhed and the frost started to ice his spandex.

She'd been growing stronger in the past few months; refining her skills. In fights she noticed Wild Fire getting distracted. It really started a couple of months ago, back when Momentum first showed his face. Maybe he was worried about the new hero or maybe he was worried his turf was going to be taken from him, but, all the same, Wild Fire had been acting stranger ever since. It was making it easier for Celeste to win her battles.

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