Maid For a whole day

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"Huh?" I asked in confusion

"Why are you wearing that?" He said ang pointed at my costume

"You see.. yesterday i hit Stings head.. so he said that I should be punished.. i didnt have any choices so i agreed though i didnt know what it was... he said I have to be maid for a day" i explained

"Ohh!" He said
But your still mine" he whispered under his breathe

"Hm?" I asked

"Nandemonai! (NOTHING)" He said

"So whatcha want do??" I asked remembering something

"Well you see... i wanted to hangout with you more.. i wanted to--- yeah whatever!" He said


"So when we were kids you know me and Erza were your very first friends right?" He asked

I just nodded

"So, why did you suddenly leave?" He asked

"Well you see.. it was because of dad. He had to go overseas and so did I. Now that Im old enough i forced him to let me go back here alone and you know what'll happen when i graduate! Its just the main reason I went back is to live my teenage years happy and to be with my REAL friends. But that incident with Erza? It made me feel the guilt of what I did to come back!" I answered and began to cry

"Hey dont cry! You know Erza she would never do things like that!" He comforted

"I know that. But I heard it with my own two ears!" I said

"Yeah" he said

"Hey Blondie!!" Shouted an o so familliar voice... Lissana

"Ugh.. not her again!" I complained

Instantly i went out

"What'cha want now??" I asked really i mean REALLY annoyed

"Look I'm Sorry and please suspend us.. PLEASE?" she pleaded

"In your dreams! I mean its a bit good if you think about it.. no more bad rumours!" I said

"Please?" She pleaded

"You Suspedned her?" Asked the boys

"Yup... not just her i suspended Mirajane and Titania too!" I said

"Nice one!" Said Gajeel

"Please dont Suspend us!" She pleaded once more

"Hey as I remember.. you were the one who started it and well its a break for me so at least make it rewarding not to hear anymore rumours.. look its only until prom I'm staying here which means im going back to angel Hearts in 2 months! And one more good thing, in those 2 months i'm not going to see you and your sister for 3 weeks.. well Erza is just suspended for 3 days.. so maybe till then I could.already get over the FACT that you and your sister started roumours!!" I shouted out of anger and went to my room crying

"Great now look what youve done!" I heard JELALL?

I went to my room and laid on my bed sobbing on my pillow

"Hey stop cryin' will you?" once again he comforted me

"Thank you for everything Jellal!" I thanked him

"For what?" he asked

"For always being there when i need you!" i answered

"You know you dont have to thank me for that" he chuckled

"Yes I do and i want to" i insisted

"well then fLucy's POV:
UGH... i dont want to be a maid.

Basketball Star (A Lucy Harem)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang