Chapter 13 - Time to live

Start from the beginning

“I know my son and you have grown closer to each other and both of your cats are interested or curious to one another. That is why I think its best that you leave on your own.” He added, stressing the last word with a pointed look to Collin, who yowled again as he stared of at the trees.



Eva nodded her head slightly, purring and calling to Liam in an attempt to calm them both down. “They want to join us, protecting us along the way while we learn how this world fits together…Collin knows that we need to do this on our own though.” She added with self-confidence, making Collin look up to lock gazes with me.

His own silver eyes were turning to a deeper shade of gold with each passing second before he blinked and sighed, shoulders dropping in defeat. “Fine, I’ll let you be for a year but ready or not, I’m coming after you Christina.”

I smiled teasingly, wanting to break the tension hanging heavily in the air. The last thing I wanted was to have these last moments being ruined by angry and annoyed feelings. “What makes you think you can still find me by then? The world is a large place.”

Collin smirked at that and shook his head before he laughed out loud, his tense muscles completely relaxing. “I’ll find you, I swear. You’ve been a pain in my butt so it’ll be easy to track you down.”

I scoffed, snorting into a laugh of my own before I reached forwards, surprising both myself and Collin by pulling him in a hug. I closed my eyes and sighed before squeezing a bit harder.

“Thanks for being such a great teacher. You helped me out big time.” He chuckled, the vibrations nearly shaking me as his big arms were wrapped around me. The sounds of people waking up around us made me aware that soon the camp would be bustling with activity, and I wanted to be gone by then.

Collin nodded, as if hearing my thoughts before he sighed and let me go, albeit reluctantly. He smiled sadly and gestured with his head, as if to say, “Go on, shoo.” I smiled and looked back at the King, exchanging my thanks to him before he too waved me off, saying that it was nothing and that I should go.

The sunlight hit me straight in the face and I grinned at the warmth before letting the feelings of shifting into my other form and stretched all the kinks out of my body. I made my way through the camp until I came at the very edge of the forest, where I looked back once.

My friends had followed me, standing at the edge of the camp before they all waved at me. I purred, flicking my tail a few times before I let out a yowl as goodbye, slipping into the safety of the trees.

The forest greeted me with silence, sunshine peeking through the leaves above and painting the forest floor with flecks of gold, olive-green and deeper shades of jade. Without looking around, I lunged forwards, letting my instincts guide me with the knowledge that somehow, I was going to change the lives of many werecats as they knew it.

*****5 years later*****


A chill clung to the icy cool wind, creating small puffs of clouds every time I breathed. I was glad for my thick fur and for the fact that I had learned to hone on my feline abilities so I stayed warm even during the coldest of weathers. Only during a blizzard did I shift to protect myself with my thick and warm fur.

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