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"He does not care for you, Julia." The words rang in Julia's ears for about a minute as she processed what Asaf had just said.

Julia tightened her lips and narrowed her eyes at him, growing furious. "What do you know? I Please, leave me alone." Julia put her hand up and walked around Asaf. Asaf only continued to follow her back to the village. "He walks around with uncertainty in his eyes. When you two are together, he does not look like a happy ma-"

"Please!" Julia shouted at him, standing in place, Asaf stopped mid sentence and quieted himself, inwardly sighing as he looked down. "I know why you're doing this. I want you to understand I don't want to be with you. Justin is my husband now." Julia told him forwardly.

Asaf sneered. "So wherever place he came from, he has guaranteed you he will sack it to stay stay here?"
Julia's heart sank and her blood ran cold. Justin still had not reassured her anything. He hasn't reassured her of his plans. She did nkt know if he would be staying here in her village or going back to Egypt.

Asaf had saw the sudden change in julia and wished he did not say what he had. He could tell she was now heartbroken. Julia picked up the bucket of water and continued her walk home. "Julia, I am sorry. I just..." he sighed when he realized she was no longer listening. She just carried on. "You are wasting my time." She muttered.

Even when julia tried so hard to reassure that Justin still loved her, and eventually marry her, she still had doubts. And Asaf's words would not rid themselves from her head. Julia wanted to believe  that everything would turn out in her favor.


Justin's gentle kisses sounded as he kissed down from julia's neck to to her chest. Julia brought up her chin to give him more access, but she didn't moan or enjoy the moment as she would if she were in a lighter mood.

She'd been thinking of all the uncertainties in what her and Justin have. Nothing was promised.

Justin's calloused hands roamed her small and delicate body, caressing every inch, curve, and up. Julia swallowed hard as his head disappeared lower and lower down her stomach. "Justin." Julia said his name, unintentionally moaning.  Julia sucked in a breath of air as he began to lick at her private place. "J-Justin. Please. List-listen to me." Julia said, her voice straining.

Although julia couldn't see his face, just involuntarily furrowed his eyebrows at her request. "Julia? Are you well?" Justin asked her, sitting up. He was in the middle of pleasing her, and himself, and she wanted him to stop.

Julia closed her eyes and brought the stitched sheet over her body, covering herself. She then opened them and looked at Justin. Justin was familiar with that look. Julia was upset, and something was troubling her.

"No, I am not." She spoke, looking at his face.
"What is the matter?" Justin asked her.

"You have promised me nothing." Julia began to cry. Her tears were already freely falling from her eyes and rolling down her cheeks. I sighed and shook my head. "Julia-"

"You have not told me your plans, nothing. How do I know you will not leave me for Egypt tomorrow?" Julia asked him in between her sniffling. Justin covered his face with both of his hands and ran them down his face. "Julia, Please..."

"Do I not fulfill your needs, Justin? I do all that a man wants in his wife, I have given you my purity, whenever you wish, I lay with you. But...but yet you-you-" julia began sobbing and could not finish what she had intended to say.

"Julia, I love you-"

"No! You say that to get in between my legs." Julia shook her head fast. "You do not love me anymore."

"Where is this coming from? Julia you know I care about you very much. Please, stop talking like this. You sound mad."

Julia wiped her face. "But you do not care about me enough to stay with me..." She said looking down.


"You said it yourself that you cannot commit to me. "

"Can we talk about this another time? Please, you are spoiling the mood." Justin began to grow irritated.

Julia crossed her legs and folded her arms.

"Julia. Do not behave like this."

She looked elsewhere.

"Are you staying here or going back to Egypt? I need to know now, Justin." She whispered.

Justin looked at her and wordlessly. He himself did not know what he was doing. At this moment, he was still flustered and looking at julia with lust.

"I-I do not know, Julia."

"You had no intentions of making me your wife." Julia said firmly.

"Julia, you do not understand."

Julia frowned. "Then make me understand. Justin I-" she clenched her fingers in a fist. "Why do you do this? I-you hide. You are keeping something from me."

Justin's eyes softened. He wanted to say something but could not utter the words.

"I need your answer." Julia was not continuing her night until he told her. Justin felt cornered and knew there was no way out of this.

"You cannot make me choose."

"It sounds like you have already made your choice, Justin-"

"Julia, please. I have told you that I love you."
"You have such a sweet mouth, Justin."

Justin exhaled deeply. "If you love me, you will stay." Julia said simply. Her words taunted him and backed him in a tight space. Her face was narrowed and daring. Justin felt her eyes sharpen on him and watch his every move.

Julia grew impatient with Justin's long awaited answer. She grinned , and thought of something that might give Justin a slight push. She turned over on her stomach, propping her self up on her elbows as she turned her head to look at him. Her hair cascaded to one side and she smirked as she saw Justin's hungry eyes eat up every inch that was her bare body. 

"I am waiting, Justin." It was almost as if she was teasing him.

Julia was trying to show him what he'd be missing if he didn't stay with her. She wanted him here with her desperately. Justin's heart thudded against his chest as he looked at her. The fool he'd be to leave this woman.

"I will stay."

A smile appeared on julia's lips and her insides squirmed with excitement. She immediately sat up and wrapped her arms around Justin. Their bare chests against each other's. she pulled away from the hug and crashed her lips against Justin's. he kissed her back just as passionately and pressed her down onto the bed. Julia smiled as he got on top of her.


So I knowwwww this chapter was short. Don't worry, I know what I'm doing. Next chapter is just so good it wouldn't feel right to add it after this last scene.

But besides the chapter being short,  how do you feel about Justin and Julia's relationship?

Do you think Justin is lying to julia about staying? Do you think julia has gone mad over Justin? Is Asaf right about him?

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