27. | F O O L I S H H E A R T S

Bắt đầu từ đầu

These days she didn't say much anymore - - she was still clearly mad about Carter and Destini's separation and she still blamed Destini for it.

Sighing at the thought, Destini looked away from Khloe slowly and down at Kayden in her arms. She wiped Kayden's face, all wet from the rain, and hugged her closer, wishing that things between she and Khloe weren't so fucked up.

How could she make Khloe understand all the sacrifices she'd made for her? How could she help Khloe to feel the way that she felt inside when she gave birth to her - - when she saw her for the first time and held her in her arms, eighteen with no clue about how she was going to mother this child but knowing she would die trying? How could Destini ever get Khloe to know how she felt on those nights she laid in bed, feeling Khloe inside kicking or when Khloe took her first steps, when she learned how to ride a bike - - all those memories that meant everything to Destini... and now it was all shattered.

The elevator doors opened up and Brooklyn was the first to run out, dragging her fingers down the walls, humming to who knows what, and making wet footprints with her rainboots. Khloe and Destini followed behind soon after - - Khloe with her music blasting, being antisocial as usual and Destini with a crying Kayden in her arms whom she suspected was coming down with an ear infection.

"I got the keeeeey!" Brooklyn shouted from down the hallway holding the key up in her hand to their apartment door. Just as she was about to put the key in the lock the door across from their apartment opened up - - their neighbor of course and as Khloe would tell it - - her best friend in the apartment building although he was about twenty years older than she was - - "TJ!" Brooklyn screamed and turned around to see him smiling as he always was.

"Yoooooo Brooklyn!" He said back just as enthusiastic and as playful as she did - - he was so good with children it was unbelievable he didn't have any of his own and handsome at that.

In a flash Brooklyn abandoned her spot at their door and ran over to him, "Brooklyn, no! You're gonna get him all wet if you - -," it was too late by then, Brooklyn had run over and wrapped her arms around him and soaked him, "Oh my God," Destini covered her mouth and tried not to freak out, "Shit, Taurean, I'm soooooo sorry - - you know how she gets when you come around - - Brooklyn let Mr. Jenkins go before you ruin his clothes even more."

"Mom," Khloe said in monotone, ready to go inside. She didn't care for TJ, nor did she care for the way he looked at her mother and the way that he looked at Destini - - she knew he had a thing for her. She didn't give a damn if Brooklyn liked him or if he was nice - - he wasn't Carter.

"I'm so sorry," Destini said, flustered not sure why every time she interacted with Taurean she got so nervous and developed a case of diarrhea of the mouth, "I always tell her not to just go jumping on people like that but she never listens," she looked down at Brooklyn who was grinning, "Next time it won't happen again - - Oh, I feel so awful about it really I do - - I just wish I could do something to - -,"

"It's fine," he laughed and looked down at Brooklyn, rubbing her hair, "It's just water - -," Taurean smiled sweetly at her, "I don't mind at all, really - - don't worry about it."

"I can't I really just feel horrible."

"Maaaa TJ's cool," Brooklyn said, "He don't be trippin' - - we're homies."

"She's right," Taurean dapped Brooklyn up, "It's all good, man - - it's all goood," he said laughing, "Relax, you worry too much," he said to Destini, "No sweat."

"Mom," Khloe repeated, louder this time, her arms folded, so ready to get away from this man and go inside.

"What's wrong with the little one," TJ said as he looked at Kayden who was laying on Destini's shoulder, "Her ear ache came back from last week?"

𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐋𝐢𝐟𝐞 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐓𝐢𝐦𝐞𝐬: 𝐂𝐀𝐑𝐓𝐄𝐑 𝐌𝐄𝐊𝐇𝐈Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ