How He Is In Bed

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(It had to be done XD)
Surprisingly, Saitama is more serious than he usually in when it comes to the moment of you and him in bed. He'll act more flirty by telling you sweet things he'd usually won't say out loud to you and show you more affection than he already does towards you. With the dominance role, Saitama has it throughout, at times you'll have it but he'll take it back. He'll start off gentle until you tell him or give him signs otherwise. He'll have his own way of doing things to show you how much he loves you, but he'll tell you more with words than actions.
In the beginning, you have the dominance role but Genos will keep it throughout. And he's more flirty than playful but not too serious either. Genos will tell you sweet things and give you compliments more than usual just as he does the same with affection. But when you request on what you want him to do, he'll do it but his way, showing you love in affection through his actions.
Mumen Rider
Mumen is gentle in the beginning and throughout, and the dominant role with get passed between the two of you. He'll do the things you request, but will do them his way to show you he loves you. He'll tell you sweet things like normal and be playful but at times he can be serious but depends which mood you're in and want to keep in in.
At first, Zombieman starts off a bit rough but will soon be gentle when you say it give off a sign. He'll be serious at times and playful with teases. He'll keep the dominant role but you'll take it at times, but after getting reactions out of you, he'll take the role right back but will do the things you ask him to, but in his way. He'll tell you sweet things but will show you how much he loves you through actions.
Metal Bat
Metal Bat keeps the dominant role throughout, every now and then you'll try to take the role but soon lose it after reactions. He'll do what you want him to but he'll do it his own way. Metal Bat will be playful with teases, even in compliments. He'll tell you sweet things and keep you in the flirty mood. He'll show you his love for you through his actions and words.
Blue Fire
Blue Fire will be less serious than he normally is, but it depends if you were the one who put him in the mood. He'll be gentle but will get rough when you tell him to. At times you'll take the dominant role by making request but after reactions, he'll take the role back. He'll tell you the sweet things he usually doesn't say and will show you more affection, showing you more love through his actions.
Stinger will stay flirty with you throughout, he'll start of gentle and go the paste you want him to. He'll tell you sweet things like normal and be playful with teases to keep you in the mood. And surprisingly, he's the dominant one, he do the things you want him to do and when you want him to but he'll do it his way, showing you how much he loves you through his actions rather than words.
Sweet Mask
There's no doubt that Amai has the dominant role, you'll try to take it by requesting the things you want him to do, but he'll do them his way and when he wants, thus being the dominant one. He'll be a little bit more serious at times, he can be playful but only out of flirt and tease. He'll tell you sweet things to keep you at ease and give you compliments. He'll show you his love for you through both actions and words but mainly through actions.
Sonic will be less serious in the beginning, he'll tell you sweet things out of flirt to get you in the mood and for you to stay in the mood. He'll start of gentle but will pick up his paste when you ask. The two of you mainly battle for the dominance, you requesting the things you want him to do and him doing so but the way he wants. He'll be more affectionate with you, showing and telling you how much he loves you through words more than actions.
Flashy Flash
Flashy starts off rough, surprisingly, in the beginning, but he'll be gentle and keep the paste you want him in. The role of dominance Flash keeps throughout, he'll be less serious like he always is with you and give you more compliments and affection than he normally does. He'll show you he loves through his actions more than words.
Garou starts off gentle and will be gentle throughout unless you tell him or give him signs on changing paste. With the dominant role, he mainly has it but every once and a while you'll take it out of tease. Garou is playful in a nice way, he also tells you sweet things he'd usually never say out of random, and making you smile and laugh to keep you in the mood, but he shows you he loves you through words more than he does with actions when in bed.

(Sorry for slow updates. Hoped you enjoyed this more to come soon!)

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