8. Finding Hope

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Flora's P.O.V

I was walking on the streets at night. It was also raining and really windy. I didn't know where to go. I saw a girl that looked familiar. I walked closer and,

"Hey, excuse me but you look really familiar" I sayed and felt awkward until she spoke.

"Well I should be I am your friends sister" she responded and turned around.

"Daphne?!" I yelled a little and hugged her.

"I'm so happy to see you, why are you out in the rain?" I asked.

"I was going to ask the same. I'm out here because I sensed some dark energy towards this area and came to check it out. Thoren went to your house to join, I was going with him but it just rained out of no where" she sayed

I felt like I had to say why I'm out here.

"I'm out here because of Helia. Its nothing though so, ya wanna go back?" I asked.

She nodded and we turned back and started walking.

The Specialists P.O.V

"Why did Helia have to do this!?" Riven groaned

While walking back to the house in the rain.

"We have been out here for 10 minutes and your already complained. You are right though we are almost home. The girls are gonna be mad we didn't find her." All the guys agreed,

"They'll be happy we will be out of the rain at least" Sky replied,

Everyone got on there wind rider and drove to Flora's house.

The winx and Roxy, Krystal, Helia, and Thoren P.O.V

The winx along with Roxy were trying to figure out everything that was going on. Just right then and there the doorbell rang. They all looked at each other and ran to the door and swung it open to reveal, Thoren.

"Hey Thoren, where's Daphne?" Bloom asks and hugs her brother-law.

"She sayed to go on ahead because of something. Where is Flora and the specialists?" Thoren asks and shakes hands with Helia.

Krystal was still seated, until they all entered the room and sat down so she swung her arm around Helia.

"Umm, about that Flora left for a walk upset so the boys went looking for her." He nodded

He looked at Helia and Krystal's arms, until they heard the door open the see the Specialists all wet.

"What happened?" Aisha asks, and grabs towels for them.

"Where's Flora?" Bloom asks the more important question.

"It's storming outside, and we couldn't find Flora." Timmy replied

Everyone glanced at each other. With Daphne being late and Flora gone they don't know what to do but hope there okay.

Flora and Daphne's P.O.V

It was still storming and we were still walking and were about 5 minutes until getting to the house. All of a sudden we were thrown to the floor by a powerful source.

"Are you ok!?" I heard Daphne ask and helped me up.

"Ya, we better get home quick, I'm afraid we aren't alone" I responded

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