7. Truth or Dare

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"Ready!" Everyone yelled.

Tecna nodded and on her phone she did a spinning wheel. Everyone was not ready but had to be, it landed on...Musa.

"Musa, truth or dare?" Tecna asked.

Musa thought, then answered,

"I'll go with Dare." She smiled

So did the others, including Tecna..

"Ok, I Dare You...to stuff marshmallows in your mouth and sing twinkle twinkle little star" she said.

"Ok.." Musa said and made the marshmallows appear, and stuffs them in her mouth and sings,

"twinkle twinkle wittle star,how eh, wonder where you ware, up wabove the-"

she starts and doesn't finish, most of us are laughing.

"Ok, hand me the phone Tec."

So Tecna hands Musa her phone.

"Here we go...and it lands on...Sky!" She yelled,

Sky was worried.

"Truth or Dare?" Musa ask,

"Truth" Sky replied and all the boys looked at him weird.

"Ok then..."

Musa then has a smirk on her face and continues,

"Has your girlfriend ever did something embarrassing, that you didn't want to be seen with her?"

Everyone bursts out laughing for a minute besides Bloom and Me, while Bloom has an unknown expression on her face.

"I-um do I have to um-....Yes"

Sky mumbles the last part, Everyone is on the floor laughing, besides Me, and Bloom.

"What?!" Bloom shrieked.

I was trying to calm her down. It really didn't end well for them, they were arguing but I decided to shut them up,

"can you two stop arguing so we can finish?''

That made everyone shut it. Musa handed the phone to Sky.

"Ok here we go..."

Sky said and spun the phone.

"Nex, Truth or Dare?" Sky asked him.

"Dare" Nex responded.

"Ok, Nex come here"

Sky told him so Nex did, he whispered to Nex. We were confused, but just shook it off.

"ok" Nex said and took the phone.

"Ready?'' He asked, all we did was nod.

"Stella, Truth or Dare?"

Stella thought for a second.

"Truth." Nex started smirking,

"Perfect, what is one thing that you don't like about the person to your left?''

By then all the specialists were laughing, while the winx, not Stella, was giggling

" I like everything of my Brandi Poo!''

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