Part 9: The Birth Of Nadia

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I stared down at Nadia smiling widely. My baby girl came three days early, April twenty sixth. She was six pounds three ounces, twenty one inches. Her hair was straight and fulll, her lips were big which pokes out and her bottom lip shakes when she's mad. Her body is pretty small and she has my eyes which are brown. The doctor says it could change so hopefully it does.

"Okay, daddy." The nurse smiled handing me Nadia who was wrapped in a thin blanket. I looked at her and pushed back her hair.

Ana screams in pain and looked at me, "Can you leave? I'm sorry, Demarcus I can't see her."

I looked at the nurses and they walked me out. We entered a vacant room and they began to do testing on Nadia. Monique teared up as she fanned her eyes and looked at Nadia.

"Okay, paperwork will be coming. She is a healthy baby girl." The nurse smiled and they started to paint her feet then stick it on the paper.

She cried loudly and stretched out her arms. I chuckled as I grabbed her fallen pacifier and stuffed it in her mouth. She started to suck on it as she slept and grabbed my finger.

"So we will have you guys in this room for visitors since I know your whole family is out there." She laughed and I nodded smiling, "Here, mommy."

Monique took her and she started to cry as she stared down at the baby in her arms. She walks to the bed and sat down touchin her cheeks softly.

"Baby. She's so precious." Monique whispered and smiled as she looked at her.

She stood up and handed her to me pulling out her phone. I chuckled as I looked up and smiled at her camera. Everyone walked in and screeched when they saw her. I laughed as I handed her off to my mom and smiled. Rachel giggled as she looked down at Nadia and moved to hug me. I hugged her back and smiled.

"Congrats." She whispered.

"Thank you." I whispered and looked down at Nadia as she slept in mom's arms.

Baby beck arrived the day after the funeral. She looks so adorable and the Fimmers are so happy and even bought me a pound of clothes and teddy bears for Nadia, especially since a truck of baby things came with baby Beck. They changed her name though, to Amber.

"Deandre." Mom whispered handing him Nadia and smiling as she looked at me. She wiped away a tear then hugged the both of us.

I laughed as I kissed her cheek and smiled. She slowly pulled away and I sat on the bed next to Monique and snapped a photo. Nadia woke up crying and I looked over as a bottle was sat next to the sink. I lifted it up and walked to Deandre who took it and gave it to her. She began to drink it down and I smiled as I stared at her. Deandre laughed as he sat back.

"I can get used to this." He laughed as he looks down at her.

I looked over and Monique was signing the paperwork with Nadia's information. I just watched and she handed me the paper. The door opens and the nurse came in with the bracelet. She wrapped it around my wrist then did the same for Monique.

"Just so tomorrow morning when you come to get her you can leave with her." She whispered and I laughed as I nodded.

"Thank you." Monique smiled and she nodded before leaving.

I signed the rest then my name as the daddy. I handed it to Monique and she stared at me and smiled before whispering to me.

"You sure?"

"Yes, but it's up to you if you want to take this responsibility." I whispered.

She looked down then stared at Nadia. She shook her head and handed me the paperwork and exhaled loudly, "I'm a fraud."

"What?" I asked suprised.

"Ana didn't want me in the room because she didnt want her kid calling anyone else mom." She whispered then looked at me, "I talked to her about it. I don't want to take this title from her."

"Monique." I whispered and she walked out of the room with the paperwork.

I exhaled as I stared at Nadia and closed my eyes. After a couple of hours I went home to finish decorating. I placed her picture book in her room sitting up on her dresser. I then added her pink princess mirror to the wall. I then grabbed the paint and started to finish her panda. It was about two in the morning by now when I finished the painting then sighed.

"Did you and Monique brake up?" Mom asked as she walked into the room.

"I'm not sure." I whispered, "It feels like it."

"Damn, Demarcus." Tyler laughed as he looked around the room. The panda was huge and on her wall opposite of her crib. The dresser was in the corner of that wall next to the window. The window had green curtains and then her dresser was on the other side of the window.

I added grass beneath and a green fluffy rug under her changing pad where I painted it like grass. The panda was kind of sitting on the changing pad eating a leaf and looking to his left out the window. I then painted the background purple and blue where it fades on the side. I was really big in art, so this was no surprise to my family. It's always a surprise to me though.

"It looks nice." She says as I pull out the box with her shoes in it and started to organize that at the top of her closet.

"Thanks, mom." I whispered and stood up from the floor, "She comes home in twelve hours."

"I know." She laughed and I grabbed a hammer and a nail standing on the stool and hammer then nailed in the wall above her crib. I added a black N to the wall and smiled.

"I'm excited." I whispered as I stepped down then sat the stool on the other side of her bed putting a gallon of nursey water on it.

I then placed her bottle warmer on her dresser and smiled as I moved the gallons of water under her crib. Then I grabbed the box full of cases of formula and sat it down on the floor on the left side of the dresser further away from the door. I then pulled out four, I kept two on her dresser and two in the kitchen.

"Okay, Demarcus. Your done. You need sleep before she gets here." Mom says pushing me to the bedroom.

"I think he's nesting." Deandre whispered and I laughed as I climbed in bed, falling straight to sleep, happiness in my bones.

*Chapter has been RE-READ & EDITED*
~Sorry for any mistakes I'm not good with grammar and spelling and I am the only editor of my books so bare with me.

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